Jeb! Wrong!

July 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Bush

Jeb!’s lips were moving on July 17th, 2015, at a townhall in Nevada, so of course, idiot juice poured forth from his mouth …

images“A law was passed, apparently in the Clinton administration, about whether, in recruiting offices … Marines or other military should be able to have guns. Apparently it is prohibited.”

That is so wrong.  First off, it wasn’t a law, it was a military directive. Second off, the directive took place under Jeb!’s dad, who is named – unlike Jeb! – Bush.

The military, who knows a thing or two about guns, is opposed to military personal working on a military base to carry firearms.  Some Air Force mechanic fixing an airplane, a member of the army cooking for the troops, a Navy guy on a nuclear submarine, or a Marine doing pushups should not be required to have a gun on them.  They have base security personal for that.

The military, who knows a thing or two about guns, does not buy into the false good-guy-with-a-gun claim.  The military knows for a damn fact that arming everyone is asking for problems.

Even Jeb!’s dad thought that allowing the military to run the military is  good idea.


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0 Comments to “Jeb! Wrong!”

  1. Now JJ

    He is Republican and a Bush, you cannot expect him to get any facts straight. Straight facts are not conducive to inciting fear or hate most of the time.

    And if he got them straight, then he could not invoke the mighty “Obama is cause of all evil in America” theme that so resonates with GOP base.

  2. Another case of a Republican re-writing history to suit his needs.

  3. Of course Marines are allowed guns! It’s weapons that are denied them under most circumstances. “This is my weapon this is my gun… etc”

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    And this guy polls #3 behind Trump and Walker! Oh sweet Lord are they dumb. Or else a bunch of hypocritical liars. Take your pick.

  5. Trump is not harming the Republican party. He is simply enhancing the reputation it has well and truly earned over the past few decades. He is turbo-GOP.

  6. Sorry for the subsequent post, but…

    @LynnN and Stone Kettle Station agree, “Donald Trump is the GOP personified.”

  7. So the military doesn’t want people running around with guns all over the place, and the NRA doesn’t want people to bring their loaded guns to gun shows. You think maybe they know something?

    And yes, yet another case of a Republican not letting facts stand in the way. They excel at that.

  8. Corinne Sabo says:

    The military knows what they are doing.

  9. @LynnN
    You got it in one!!

  10. That Other Jean says:

    “And this guy polls #3 behind Trump and Walker! Oh sweet Lord are they dumb. Or else a bunch of hypocritical liars. Take your pick.”

    Unfortunately, those categories are not mutually exclusive. I’m betting on both being true.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    Anyplace there’s a room full of guns being carried by people, I can find the way to the EXIT before you, I bet.

  12. coprolite says:

    I would suggest, instead of spending money upgrading every facilities with bulletproof glass, additional security or leasing office space, the armed forces could erect recruiting tents at the gate of each installation. Gate security can protect each recruitment center.

    Better yet, get rid of all recruitment centers and have a mandatory 2 year service for each U.S. male citizen.

  13. I’m just wondering…If gov. a-butt says colleges have to allow guns on their campuses, is he next going to issue a decree insisting that the military encourage more gun carrying? He clearly thinks that’s within his territory as guv of our fair state.

  14. Elizabeth Moon says:

    What would work (though it’s not legal and the chance a law would be passed making it so is below zilch) is having responsibility put on those responsible for the legislation that’s made open carry/campus carry/civs “guarding” soldiers and clearly unsuitable people having guns possible. As in, for every person killed by a gun allowed where it used not to be, a person who voted for the law, or signed the law, will be chosen by lot to be shot dead. Officially. No appeals. You voted for this, someone else lost a family member, your name’s in the box and fell out when we shook it, so it’s your turn now, sweetcakes.

    They gotta risk what they make others risk, and they gotta pay when the public pays.

    About the second one, if not the first, these laws would be reversed. These bozos have never been held accountable for what they’ve done, other than by losing an election, which they think is terrible. Not sure you could get their attention any other way, because they’re all so insulated from reality.

  15. Elizabeth Moon says:

    coprolite: I would favor 2 year national service (not all in the military–not all–male or female–are what a military needs, but there’s plenty of work to be done) for all. Get the kids working on something that needs doing–repairs, maintenance, CCC type construction projects–where they have to be around people not like themselves, away from their homes, learning skills and how to work together. Girls need that opportunity too. Replaces a “gap year” for those who can afford it (they need the work!) and a year or two of standing around street corners and getting into trouble for the ones who can’t (who need a chance to learn that they’re good at something and can contribute.)

  16. I agree with you Elizabeth Moon – 2 years of national service could be a very good idea. There is plenty of infrastructure that needs to be rebuilt and national and state parks that need updating. And there are a lot of kids that need a little more time before college or work (or unemployment).

  17. Why or why can’t any Bush or any Rethug for that matter get one damn thing straight? Is it to much to ask of their little grey cells?

    Oh . . . wait!

  18. maryelle says:

    This was a deliberate attempt to blame a Democrat for the killings at the recruitment office, not muddled memory. There’s method in his madness.

  19. Zyxomma says:

    I agree with maryelle. Blame the Democrat; truth be damned.

  20. I was in the Army. The Army hates guns on their installations that are not under triple-lock at all times. You live in a barracks and have your own gun? It gets locked in the arms room until you get it and leave the installation. Return? It gets locked up again. Ammunition is kept in separate building under control of other parties.

    I was often duty officer at nights or on weekends and carried a .45 pistol. The bullets were in a clip in a pouch; not in the pistol. And when you turned both in at the end of your shift, they counted the bullets.

    Guns on post are the decision of the base commanders, as it should be, and not the NRA or Congress.
