And This Is What Presidential Politics Has Come To

July 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lindsey Graham, a United States Senator —


Y’all, that is one step below ….


Well, it’s a well-run campaign.
Midget and broom and whatnot.
Devil his due.
Hell of an organisation.
Say, I got an idea.
What’s that, Junior?
We can hire us a little fella even smaller than Stokes’s.
You slump-shouldered sack of nuts!
Why, we’d look like a bunch of johnny-come-latelys.
Bringin’ out our own midget.
Don’t matter how stumpy!

This is a damn freak show.

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0 Comments to “And This Is What Presidential Politics Has Come To”

  1. Oh, if only the Coen Bros would run someone’s political campaign! Or at least write their speeches.

  2. Miss Lindsey, such a drama queen…

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    On the heels of Baby Paul alternately feeding the US Tax Code to a wood chipper, burning it and cutting through it with a chainsaw.

    Maybe they should all go to Laredo with T-Rump to roll snowballs through hell with their noses.

  4. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    I’m beginning to worry that not one of the sweet sixteen Republican presidential candidates will have a scintilla of credibility or dignity left by this time net year. Who would be left to actually run a decent campaign? John McCain? Mitt? Sarah Palin? It’s looking like the Grand Old Party really is imploding and nothing can stop it. Rest in Peace, Republicans.

  5. “Grand Old Party really is imploding”

    Mom! Grandpa’s got some crazy people on the TV, and he’s trying to tell me it’s not a reality show. They’re yelling at each other, and blowing stuff up. If I said that kinda stuff about Mexicans, they’d suspend me from school for three days.

  6. I am reminded of a story which I think LBJ told. A nice young fellow is running for office and not getting anywhere. An old political hand tells him that he can win if he makes the statement that his opponent, the popular incumbent, ****s hogs. “Is that true?” gasps the young man. “No, it ain’t true, but if we can get him to deny it one time, we got him.”

  7. W.C., if only Palin would run, to add some dignity…HAHAHA

  8. @Miz JJ
    I’m thinking this hot mess of a GOP is one dog-faced boy short of a freak show. So this close!

  9. two crows says:

    The Republican party has orchestrated this hot mess.

    Trump [and the inevitable responses to his hogwash] are the direct result of appealing to a base which, collectively, may possibly have two brain cells to rub together.

    Well, they asked for it. Proving, once again, that it’s advisable to be careful what you wish for.

    Unfortunately, they’re dragging the rest of us along in their wake. For well over a decade, with every debacle, I’ve been thinking, “OK. That tears it! The nation will have to wake up THIS time and finally, finally return to sanity. It has to!

    And then it doesn’t.

  10. Wasn’t it Henry Louis Mencken who said, “You can never underestimate the irrelevance of Miss Lindsey?”

  11. And, in the spirit of the late Sandra Bland, let me just say that Miss Lindsey swings like a pussy. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I’ve seen four-year olds who were better at T-ball.

  12. @two crows, Democracy is the system in which everyone gets what the majority of voters deserve. Yes, it’s a sad comment.

  13. The problem with the GOP’s race to the bottom is that they keep redefining the bottom.

  14. It’s a race to the bottom where there is no bottom, apparently.

  15. @Timbo… I think it was actually Ru Paul who said that.. or maybe Rand Paul. I can’t tell the two apart.

  16. BlueMeadow says:

    I actually think this was a brilliant move by Lindsey. At least the man has a sense of humor. I give him credit (or one of his staff) for imagination. I wouldn’t vote for him for second – or any Republican -but it is a great response

  17. Am I the only one here who actually found the video funny?? I mean yeah, the GOP has become a cesspool of stupidity, but come on, you’ve gotta give Sen. Graham a little credit here to not only tweak “The Donald” but be able to laugh at himself over the cellphone.

  18. Wyatt Earl says:

    I kinda liked it too. Sure, Grahams’ a butthole, but this is what it takes to get seen in media these days. Think Bill Clinton in shades with a saxophone. And who doesn’t approve of anti-Donald messages??

  19. Marcia in CO says:

    TalG … Yes, I also thought it was funny and even a bit clever!

  20. Wyatt Earl – Don’t have to. Just look at any old episode of Animaniacs, and you’ll hear:

    “We’re Animaniacs!
    Dot is cute and Yakko yaks
    Wacko packs away the snacks
    While Bill Clinton plays the sax
    We’re Animaniacs!”

    And there was the cartoon version of BillC in shades, playing with the theme.

  21. Hollyanna says:

    Okay, this did make me chuckle. Otherwise, when it comes to the GOP candidates, we are not amused.

  22. Apparently it is now the norm for Repub candidates to think of themselves first as stand-up comedians. The problem is that little of what they spew is amusing.

  23. Crazy Quilter says:

    I got a good laugh out of both videos. Shows that Lindsey has a sense of humor and fast with a response. I still won’t vote for him but the video made him seem more human. What was the music?

    I don’t watch movies much ( the last one was How to Train Your Dragon) so can someone tell me what movie that last clip was from? I did recognize the great Charles Durning.

  24. Juanita Jean says:

    Hey Crazy Quilter, that is from one of my all-time favorite movies, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, the epic retelling of Homer’s amazing poem, The Odyssey with a little politics thrown in.

    If you haven’t seen it, do. That way you’ll know what someone means when they say, “We thought you was a toad” or “Oh George, not the livestock.”

  25. @ Crazy Quilter, the movie is “O Brother, Where Art Thou?”. We own a copy and watch it at least six times a year, if not more. Find a copy; it’s well worth your time.

  26. @Crazy Quilter, the music was Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons”– “Spring”, I think. (I first heard it during a movie in biology lab, so every time I hear “Spring” I think of frogs spawning.)

  27. Wyatt Earl says:

    There’s a joke to bring “frog spawning” back to Lindsey Graham, but i’m coming up blank…

  28. e platypus onion says:

    Keep in mind wingnuts are just as flippant about our troop’s lives when it is time for another neo-con begged for,Israeli supporting,illegal war in the Middle East.

  29. Marge Wood says:


  30. capitol dave says:

    @JJ, also, too, “dumber’n a sack of hammers.

  31. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Timbo, I’m disturbed by your bringing Sandra Bland into this. It feels like it’s trivializing her death, which is a very sensitive issue for me. I’m so torn up and hurt and mad about what happened to her that it’s very hard for me to see her name used like this. Especially, since there’s so far been no justice for her or for so many others who drive and die while being black and for no other reason.

  32. AliceBeth says:

    I laughed. I thought it was the only clever and meaningful thing that this person ( I searched for an adjective but they were all hateful) has ever done.
