I’ve Got All Kinds Of Problems With This

May 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, once it was announced that the New and Corroded Justice Department was going after Richard Burr, he quickly stepped down as fast as a snake with legs as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee.

I hear my fiends clapping, but I’m terrified by it. It’s more proof that the DOJ is being used to target or reward Trump’s enemies or friends.

As head of the Intelligence Committee, Burr just released a rather damning preliminary report on Russian interference in our elections. The final report is due out later this year. Trump is no fan of Burr.

On the other hand, Georgia’s Republican Senator, Kelly Loeffler, who is Trump’s new fangirl, also sold stock after the warnings and bought stock in PPE. Her husband is also Chair of the New York Stock Exchange. She has not been raided by the FBI. Burr has. The DOJ is targeting Trump’s political enemies while letting his friends get off “stock free.”

I am not defending Burr.  Lord knows he’s so crooked that they’ll have to screw him into the ground when he dies.  But, damn, the DOJ is scaring the hell outta me.

Thanks to my friend Alice for the heads up.

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