It’s The Challenge of the Year

December 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, the kids over at Political Wire have given us a heads up on who is running for President of the United States by their upcoming books.

January 13: American Dreams: Restoring Economic Opportunity for Everyone by Sen. Marco Rubio

January 20: God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy by Mike Huckabee

February 3: You Have a Brain: A Teen’s Guide to T.H.I.N.K. B.I.G. by Ben Carson M.D.

May 5: Times of Challenge, Moments of Grace by Carly Fiorina

May 12: Untitled by Sen. Ted Cruz

Oh y’all.  Ted Cruz’s book doesn’t have a title.  I feel is our ordained duty to give that sucker a name.

Ready, Set, Go!

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “It’s The Challenge of the Year”

  1. Appearing Manly, A Dream Unfilled.

  2. Untitled, Unhinged and Unimpressive.

  3. Kay Carrasco says:

    “Verbal Vomit”

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Daffy: A Recollection of Me, My Family and My Voters

  5. Elise Von Holten says:

    Cruz Control; When I Am Elected God’s Righteous King

  6. Mark Schlemmer says:

    “Momma, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Me” by Ted Cruz

  7. John Peter Henson says:

    The Mouth That Roared. A Cracked Fairy Tale…

  8. SomedayGirl says:

    Carnival Cruz: My Cuban Canadian Journey

  9. “My Struggle (to Change the Constitution and Let Immigrants Become POTUS)”

  10. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Paisley nightmares –
    The life and disappointments of Teddy Cruz

    Just saying……

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    When Windmills Attack
    The moving story of a Junior Senator who saved the universe from non-existent threats.

  12. Lorraine in Spring says:

    “LOOK AT ME!”

    “I Am Amazing, And You’re Not!”

    “Ted Cruz’ Excellent Adventure from Cuba to Canada to Freedom!”

    “How I Learned To Bribe A Border Guard”‘

    “My CRAZY Dad”

    “Jesus Isn’t Coming Back, But I’m Here!”

    “Delusions Of Grandeur and Other Mental Health Issues”

    “The Human Zoo: Congress”

    “Bibles, Books and Bathrobes: My Days At Harvard”

    Shall I go on?

  13. Loon

  14. Casa Blanka

    All the Koch’s Men

    The Bad, the Bad, and the Ugly

    One Lives in the Cuckoo’s Nest

  15. The Benefits of Good Listening – To Me
    by Ted Cruz

  16. Delusions of My Father.

  17. Kate Dungan says:

    “Mad, Bad & Dangerous to know.”

  18. “Breaking From The Past: How To Get The Government We Deserve.”

  19. If you’re gonna write an autobiographical manifesto what better title to coopt than My Struggle (Mein Kampf). Sure it has been used famously before but that author is dead and of another generation of nationalism worshippers. I see no problems there.

    Or … To Kill an Economy, about the Tea Party’s economic platform

    Or … All Quiet on the Tea Front, about the days following the 2016 election

    Or … A Tale of Two Teds, Ted’s multiple personalities and bi-polarness

    Or … The Lord of the Things, Ted’s acquisition of things to assuage his spiritual emptiness

    Or … The Little Prince, self-explanatory!

    Or … He: A History of Failure, with apologies to Ursula Andress and H Rider Haggard.

  20. gabberflasted says:

    ME, ME, ME!

  21. Intellectually & Spiritually Constipated, Ted Cruz

  22. Bob Barrall says:

    Atlas Laughed

  23. “How Crazy Are You? Crazy enough to vote Cruz?”

    That’s all I have.

  24. I had a suggestion, but gabberflasted tripled it.

  25. “Because God Said So”

  26. How Joseph McCarthy’s Sperm Entered my Uterus, by Mama Cruz (A Cautionary Tale)

  27. Marcia in CO says:

    I think Lorraine in Spring has a winner in her line-up … they are all excellent suggestions!!

  28. daChipster says:

    Otto. It reads better in the original German, no?

  29. The Grinch Stole America: Filibustering to Dr. Seuss

  30. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Obama is Kenyan but I’m American

  31. Annabelle Lee says:

    Cruzing to America: Why Immigration Is Okay When We Do It.

  32. “The Greatness of Me” Forward by Glenn Beck.

  33. Aye, it gets lost in translation slightly, dachipster.

    Hey Juanita Jean, you gonna call a winner on this one?

  34. Marge Wood says:

    All I can say is, he has a lot of nerve (as usual) to offer to produce a book, like the kind printed on paper and rewritten a dozen times and advertised and mistakes found and corrected and laws found that keep him from selling it (oh, I forgot, he isn’t self publishing) and when he does he only makes $8.49 per book plus shipping.

    They ain’t no titles I kin think of thet y’all hadn’t already topped. How can we UNmarket his book?

  35. AlanInAustin says:

    “Rebel Without A Clue”

    “Always Wrong, Never Silent”

  36. Marge Wood says:

    I gotta throw this in somewhere. Anyone heard of FREE ENERGY party? Take a look. Great ideas, some rather strange but heck. My opinion: not enough to win a major election. If you know anything about it let me know. Sounds suspicious to me esp since guy who cornered me was very vague. Is it the Greens? Libertarians? ??? Koch bros. undercutting national stuff? Ah. Ted Cruz. Nah, he would never hang out with these guys. He’d have to cooperate.

    Free Energy Party
    We are asking loyal Democrats and Republicans to boycott their parties in 2016 and vote for the FEP. This is the only hope for saving your party for the future, …

  37. “When I pontificate, you can see all my fillings.”

  38. Marge Wood says:

    Is that Louie’s (or Cruz’s) nickname?

  39. I Wrote A Book: Maybe Someday I’ll Read One

  40. “Dreams of a Narcissist” by Ted Cruz. Thanks Juanita. This is fun!

  41. Cruzin’ for a Bruisin – Why I want to be spanked by the American people.

  42. Green Eggs and Ham: A New Interpretation

    The Far Out Side

    Unhinged: Me and My Dad

  43. “King of the Koch Suckers” by Ted Cruz

  44. Juanita Jean says:

    Otto – I cant. Don’t make me.

  45. “A Layman’s Guide to the Internet and Net Neutrality” by Sen. Ted Cruz

  46. “How Stupid Are You?” by Ted Cruz

  47. True Lies:
    The story of Texas and Ted Cruz

    The Ted Cruz Story:
    Megalomania run amok

  48. The Idiot’s Guide to Ted Cruz
    How the universe should look as explained by a delusional, right wing, presidential wanna be.

    God Loves ME, Not sure about you!
    The Ted Cruz story

    Deep in the Heart of Crazy
    Ted Cruz and the Republicans of Texas

    The Wizard of Nuts
    Texas Republicans and the rise of Conservative right wing crazy people. By Ted Cruz

    The Bible
    Reinterpreted by conservative Republican, Ted Cruz

    The New Constitution of the United States for a Christan Nation Under God.
    Dedicated to the people of the US who are white, ChristiAn, not gay, good Republicans who carry guns and are conservative to the core.
    By Ted Cruz

  49. David Sundin says:

    I happen to have it, on good authority, that Ted Cruz’ forthcoming book will have one of the following as a title:

    “The A-B-Cs of Dual Citizenship”

    “The Key to Pissing Off Everyone in the Senate in Only One Year”

    “Shut It Down!, a Nihilist’s Guide to Brinksmanship”

    It’s one of them, I swear….
