It’s So Easy

August 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Preachersplainin’ it.

Dr. Craig Conner, senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Panama City, threatened to stop paying taxes at the risk of being sentenced to jail if the federal government did not defund Planned Parenthood.

Look, Preacher, here’s the deal. Go to jail. Mosey on over there. It’s easy to talk big when your church doesn’t pay taxes and the fancy-pants home you live in is owned by the church as is your car and probably your barbeque pit so no taxes are paid on that either.

But the Preacher doesn’t stop there.

Screen Shot 2015-08-10 at 10.30.07 AM“You want to talk about reducing the national debt?” Conner continued. “We could reduce it overnight if they would defund this evil organization and put it on the national debt. Man, we could get out of debt immediately.”

Okay, how does that exactly work?  The national debt is $18 trillion dollars.  Planned Parenthood gets $540 million dollars.  Is this one of those fishes and loaves deals because that would be super cool to see.

Conner said that Planned Parenthood had met the biblical definitions for evil, wicked, ungodly, hellish and shameful.

But running up an $18 trillion debt to kill people in a war is dandy okay with God.

Somebody needs thread the Bible to this guy.

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0 Comments to “It’s So Easy”

  1. Larry from Colorado says:

    I wonder if he’s ever heard of Jesus?

  2. At least he’s consistent. WingNuts really do believe that anything that helps out women, minorities, gays, liberals, the poor, etc., must be evil, wicked, ungodly, hellish and shameful.

    I mean, it is totally wicked not to use all government resources just for businesses and white men, especially preachers.

  3. When is he going to talk about defunding the military? They are killing actual living beings and eating up a huge amount of tax payer dollars. When is he going to talk about the proliferation of guns in this country and all the deaths associated with them? Or is it just about the money and not the morality? These jerkwad cowards love easy targets.

  4. WOW!! I’m shocked !!!! to think when some dimwit preacher (Liar) says something it usually means there are more lies dribbling down his chin!

  5. From Jim Wright at Stonekettle Station:
    “Dr.” Conners says Planned Parenthood gets about $540 million in federal funding a year (it’s really less, and none of it can be used for abortion. NONE of it. But, okay, I’ll spot him the figure. $540M).

    The National Debt is a bit over $17 TRILLION.

    Using “Dr.” Conner’s numbers, 17,000,000,000,000 divided by 540,000,000 = THIRTY ONE THOUSAND, FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ONE. YEARS. Not including interest.

    “Immediately” therefore = 31,481 years in Bible Math.

    The Reverend needs to brush up on his math.

  6. He’s not too good with math or facts is he?

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Conner said that Planned Parenthood had met the biblical definitions for evil, wicked, ungodly, hellish and shameful.

    Actually he just described wingnuts and fauxknee kristians such as hizownself.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    glf, all good points you make which delineate the hypocrisy of the Republicons and their religious wrong fringe element.

    The forced birthers should also be known as the women sacrificers and adherents of death to all who are not like them.

    Or, in honor of a Marge Wood bumper sticker, let all who advocate the defunding of Planned Parenthood be known as “advocates of STDs.” Wish they would answer as to why they are so pro syphilis.

  9. If Rev. Conner wants to take a serious look at the federal budget, in light of core principles laid out in the Bible, he should take a look at the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL, Quaker) website. Top quote:

    ” The federal budget that the Congress passed sends a strong and disappointing message about who we are as a people: ‘We are afraid, and we don’t take care of our own. ‘ ”

    As JJ notes, Rev. Conner’s “tax resistance” threat carries little of the moral weight that would come from actually suffering for his beliefs (either through jail or loss of assets.) Want to do it better? Look at the history of war tax resistance, going back at least to the Mexican War of 1846 (c.f. Thoreau) and continuing to the present. I have f/Friends who deliberately live on so little that they pay no taxes, to avoid supporting war. I have a feeling, though, that we will not see Rev. Conner’s witness expressed either by poverty or by going to jail.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    I noticed them evil liberul guns had another field day killing folks this weekend.

  11. Conner said that Planned Parenthood had met the biblical definitions for evil, wicked, ungodly, hellish and shameful.

    Really! Planned Parenthood…helps wimen with various issues and with abortions done safely.

    buyBull… thousands of abortions ordered to be done by the Hebrews on various cities they did not like. Help advice in buyBull..ask husband, you lowlife piece of property!!!
    I’ll take the ‘the biblical definitions for evil, wicked, ungodly, hellish and shameful.’ any day!!! Over what it ACTUALLY says!!!!!

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    Churches & pastors need to pay taxes.

  13. Evil hypocrite. We would be having even larger problems to deal with if Planned Parenthood were defunded. Are people really that stupid?

  14. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    What is this ungodly marriage anyway between the church and the state? You’d think churches were godddamn corporations the way they don’t pay taxes.

  15. Kate oDubhagain says:

    Appraise the lord!

  16. AliceBeth says:

    Maybe he should substitute NRA for Planned Parenthood, that would come close.

    Clearly he does not know the law or math.

    I really wish at times like this for an Old Testament God who sends burning bushes or turns someone into a pillar of salt, maybe just a direct lightning strike.

  17. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    “Immediately” therefore = 31,481 years in Bible Math.
    That comports with the fundamentalist idea that the earth is only 6,000 years old, and their god created the whole shebang in “just” six days.
    The good Doctor Conner certainly has the right last name for leading his flock of sheeple.

  18. What a marooon!!!

  19. When asked what he gives up for Lent, Tax-Free Dr. Craig Conner answers the same every year. “I’m giving up paying taxes!”

    It’s the thought that counts.

  20. W.C Pete: You are right. I left out that part from the quote.

  21. Ya know one of the many purposes of a functional democratic government is to protect a Civil Society by putting self centered freaks like Conner in jail for behaving like a sniveling 2 year old.

  22. Elise Von Holten says:

    Freeze some sperm and give them all the snip…
    Since science and math are not allowed, I mean they must all be virgin (young woman)births because the men don’t seem to bear any responsibility (aspirin between your knees, anyone)
    So heck, make sure that men have to really, really want their children–a large monetary bond in trust to be used for the child before the sperm can be united with an egg. That is the answer to so many issues. No scar, no play…so they could be decorative scars–like the ritual scarification in some tribes–that way the pain can be spread across the players–PMS and childbirth itself (my daughter was sick her whole 9 months with the last one) offset by a ritual scar and $$$ for men, because money is where it hurts them (apologies to all the great husbands and dads I know are out there)

  23. This guy is a douchebag and terrible at math.

    But I did want to say that, at least in my Christian denomination, there is a two-tiered pay scale, one when a “parsonage” (home) is provided by the church and one when there is not (pastor must buy or rent his or her own residence). Of course, a higher salary is paid the the pastor in the second circumstance (determined by an average cost for the area). And none of the pastors I’m familiar with have a vehicle (or a fire pit, or a jet, or a yacht) provided by their congregations.

  24. You know the “when they say it’s not about the money… It’s the money”…

    IF. and I do mean IF, the problem were about stopping abortions, then we should have free contraceptives being issued alongside the collection plate from every pulpit in the land. What this fool really means is that sex must have consequences, and thereby maintaining control over women (you know, since boys will be boys). Ultimately the secular state must come under the dominion of the Masters of the Church…

  25. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Elise Von Holten, apology accepted. 😀

    Your snip plan has merit. The snip-a-doodle is in the works for me, because Jane has made a believer out of me that most of the birth control for women can be extremely dangerous and isn’t always 100% effective. And, birth control for men? Not highly effective, since our second bundle of joy will be somewhat ahead of schedule. Two kids will be plenty to raise and educate.

    Jane’s father has been almost fond of me, since the birth of his first grandchild. Gee, if I had only known. Should have knocked up his daughter in high school, then he really would have loved me. 😉 Yeah, it’s “humor” like that that keeps the ‘almost’ in fond…..

  26. Paul Vaughan says:

    It has been said (there made it true) Jews don’t recognize Christ. Protestants don’t recognize the Pope. Baptist don’t recognize each other in the liquor store.

  27. Hollyanna says:

    Gotta love that Bible Math! Really, folks, we need to combat innumeracy.

  28. linda phipps says:

    There it is, right in front of us! All this time! The man-created cause of global warming: all the hellfire and brimstone and just plain hot air emanating from the mouths of these preachers of bile. If we shut them up – bam! – the polar bears are saved!

  29. Really, if he wants to help lower the debt, he should fight for churches to give up their tax-exempt status. It makes me mad when preachers get into politics but their churches don’t have to pay their fair share to the government.

  30. Dan Up North says:

    Two things to remember:
    1. Lots of people want to serve God, but only as advisers.
    2. It is easier to preach 10 sermons than it is to live by one.
    D. U. N.

  31. e platypus onion says:

    I thought Ronnie Raygun-the big spender-suggested a penny between a woman’s knees for birth control.

    I got snipped back in 82 and got divorced a year later. Both were her decisions,btw.

  32. Grand daughter lives in the bible belt. She has an out of this world IQ and has been studying genetics for 3 years now, but not where she lives. Has to go 800 miles away to do that. She is still in high school. The studying she does 800 miles away is for top of the line high school kids who pass a certain test. Her bible belt school district will absolutely not accept her college level work as credit for high school biology class which they forced her to take. She pretty much slept through that class and Aced it. Why the resistance to genetics? Well, nowhere in the school curriculum is there the word “evolution.” Have been advised not to retire to her part of the world as my head would probably explode.

  33. Marge Wood says:

    I know four women who had their tubes tied who later had unexpected babies.

  34. Marge Wood says:

    And my daddy, a preacher, said churches should pay taxes.

  35. Mister Lee says:

    Once upon a time, many of us looked at preachers and ministers as paragons of truthfulness and integrity. I was taught to believe that ministers never lied, and if they spoke untruths, that was because they were misinformed.

    Preacher Conner has been drawing on that myth for apparently a very long time. He is overdrawn.

    It is unfortunate that so many men (And at least some women) of the cloth choose to lie because they think that it will help whatever cause they support. We secular folks and, I suspect, many believers see and hear such people spouting such falsehoods and find ourselves facing an ugly question: if this is one such falsehood in regard to matters secular, what other falsehoods has this man (or woman) been spouting. And if this man (or woman) is lying about matters secular, why should we trust his (or her) say-so in matters spiritual?

  36. The latest estimate I saw shows that every $1 spent by the government on family planning saves $3.74 due to extra medical and welfare costs. Therefore, saving $540 mil would actually cost over $2 bil/year.

    I assume that Conner’s answer to that is to defund welfare and require payment upfront for the ER, but then, he is evil
