It’s Saturday. Give It a Rest, Chump.

October 21, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so when even the Washington Post says that John Kelly owes Congresswoman Wilson an apology,  Trumphouse went whacked out.

First of all, who the hell is Donald Trump to make fun of anybody’s headwear?  Has he noticed what’s on top of his head?

Who the hell is John Kelly (I’m dropping the “General” crap right now) to viciously and falsely  attack a congresswoman, and then run back into hiding?

Who is hell is any Republican who says the media is keeping this alive?  Good Lord, Trump tweeted about it this morning.  Twice, dammit.  Twice, in one morning.

Who the damn hell is Sarah Huckabooboo to say that we cannot question a 4 star general?  Would she like to point to that in the constitution?

Just give it a damn rest.


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