It’s Official

July 07, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has Covid19.

He’s the Donald Trump of Brazil.  He poo-pooed masks and began pushing restarting the country to save the economy.

Bolsonaro said he was taking hydroxychloroquine, which is first cousins with snake oil.

Look, I am not celebrating anybody being sick, but people who tell others to take risks with their heath and prescribe bad medicine probably deserve … oh hell, yes. Good that he got sick because that sumbitch killed a lot of other people.


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0 Comments to “It’s Official”

  1. Can he please pass it on to tRump, Putin, al-assad, Little Kim, Erdogan and Xi Jinping? Come on Corona – go down in history as actually helping humanity – infect them. Karma

  2. Here’s another story of a man with great confidence, who in the face of danger downplayed and ignored his own potential risk while he urged on others:

    On the evening of May 9th, Union General John Sedgwick was inspecting his line and directing artillery placements at Spotsylvania.

    Confederate sharpshooters were firing shots at the Union army from around 1,000 meters away, causing them to duck for cover which prompted General Sedgwick to say “What? Men dodging this way for single bullets?

    Trying to shore up his men’s spirits, he assured them “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.” Just moments after he uttered those words, a Confederate sharpshooter struck and killed him.

  3. Hoist on his own petard. Could only happen to one less nice fellow.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Bolsonaro. That’s one soap down. Why Covidiot* 45 the most corpulent example of comorbidity continues to escape COVID-19 is the real mystery.

  5. Sandridge says:

    OT, but important [perhaps the added stress will push Comrade COVID45 into his own case]:

    The NYT has gotten aholt of Mary Trump’s book.
    They’ve leaked that Donnei, while in high school, did a major cheat and –paid a proxy to take his SAT tests–. The proxy’s high scores allowed DJT to be accepted into UoPA’s Wharton school.
    Don’t forget about that UoPA university professor who stated that DJT was the dumbest mofo’in student he had ever seen. Now we know why.


  6. Sam in Superior says:

    A few COVID-related deaths of these leaders would do the World a lot of good. Bolsanaro is doing to his country what Trump did to this one.

  7. Maybe you wont but I will … Ha!Ray!! may he suffer long and badly!!! And with the side affects that come with it… may he recover and live a long miserable life!!! Now to get the trumpkin infected!!!

  8. Sandridge @ 5:

    SAT’s, COVID, that’s probably the one place where Trump has shown any consistency. He has a long held aversion to tests.

  9. Taken early enough Hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine and even quinine might be effective because they aid in the transport of zinc into cells to neutralize the virus – sufficient zinc must be present though. Taken too late in the progression Hydroxychloroquine can cause QT prolongation of the heart with fatal consequences. This is more common in patients with breathing difficulties. That is why it is not recommended for covid-19 patients.

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Damn, wish he’d been invited to the orange house for a hug.

  11. Sandridge says:

    Rick @8, Yeah, but Tre45on likes to brag about taking frequent COVID19 tests to make sure he’s clean; and those around him are probably tested twice a day like it or not.

  12. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Last March Bolsonaro’s press secretary caught coronavirus at Merde-a-Lardo. I see he hasn’t learned anything from it.

  13. thatotherjean says:

    @Sandridge #11

    Well, at least we know what happened to all of the tests the rest of us can’t get, no matter what Trump says.
