It’s Heeeeeeeere

May 07, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You knew it was a’coming.  You knew it wouldn’t be long.  And, sure ‘nuf, it’s here and a Texas congressvarmint brought it.

P000592On “The Sam Malone Show” this week, Rep. Ted Poe, R-Tex., said that Congress will launch an investigation into Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation based on the findings of the book “Clinton Cash,” in which right-wing activist Peter Schweizer suggests that the former secretary of state used her role in the State Department to benefit foundation donors.

The book has faced a bevy of criticism for its sloppy reporting and false allegations, but Poe told Malone that “Congress will investigate yet one more scandal. We need to hire a whole department just to investigate the Clintons and the Clinton scandals. There is going to be some investigation about it.”

Poor Ted Poe, if he wasn’t “investigatin'” some damn thing, he’s have to take up crocheting or another damn thing.

Ted thinks the Tea Party is too liberal and Salem didn’t investigate enough witches.

Yep.  A full time Clinton investigation.  Because eight more Clinton years of peace and prosperity is just more than America can stand.

Thanks to Michael for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “It’s Heeeeeeeere”

  1. Ralph Wiggam says:

    This is just the first step toward impeachment. They can’t wait until after she is elected.

  2. Angelo Frank says:

    Ted Poe is just emulating Darrell Issa and the result will be the same failure.

    “Darrell Issa had one job — use his position as chairman of the House Oversight Committee to keep the media fixated on a series of open-ended investigations into frivolous Obama administration scandals, like in the good old Clinton days — and he has totally botched it.”

  3. AKLynne says:

    Maybe even the dumbest of their followers will figure out what a crock this is…maybe.

  4. maryelle says:

    Right you are, Ralph. It’s their only chance at coming close in the presidential election, since none of their candidates comes close to the competence and experience of Hillary Clinton. She was right on the money many years ago when she called it a “vast right-wing conspiracy” against President and Mrs. Clinton.
    People laughed at her for saying that, but now we know she knew whereof she spoke. This is going to go on for years.

  5. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Ted Poe looks old enough to have been around in the 90s, so why doesn’t he remember all the investigations back then? Or the SoS’s testimony a couple years ago?

    Serious question… Does Ted drink? Or do all Republicans carry a lack of memory gene?

  6. I only wish there were a vast left-wing conspiracy. We might get something accomplished.

    People should start catching on that, with ALL the investigatin’ of this Clinton and that Clinton over the years, they’re still walking around grinning because nobody’s actually managed to prove they’ve done anything illegal, for all the futile and tax-expensive efforts. They nearly managed to hang Bill over letting a horny intern play with his weewee, but that was just because the other boys were jealous.

  7. First they make up a bunch of bs. Then they demand that the bs be investigated.

  8. I am actually pleased to see this sort of stuff starting now, months before normal people are paying any attention to the 2016 election. This story, Benghazi, etc., will be old hat and Hillary will be immunized.

    Note that this is one reason I prefer seeing Hillary run to Elizabeth Warren. Hillary has endured and survived the attacks and smears. Warren would be more vulnerable to labeling.

    The second reason is that I want Warren to be the Lioness of the Senate for decades to come. Her financial and consumer expertise is invaluable in the bill-making process.

  9. All,
    Please allow me to play my recording…
    By all means, Have a favorite, Hillary, Elizabeth, a dark horse some of us have yet to meet, BUT
    work.your.a$$ regardless of who wins the nomination. Don’t let the other party’s propaganda sway you.

    As for myself, I’m voting straight Dem in every local election in which that is an option until Hillary or Elizabeth or ???? is inaugurated in January 2017.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Silly Republicans! Forget Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation. Stick with the conspiracy theory as given to you by Alex Jones. “They’re coming for your guns.” Jade15, tunnels under Walmarts across the southwest. However could those silly rabbits forget the HRC tie? She was on the board of Walmart! Chase that shiny object or squirrel, squirrel, squirrel, run boys run.

    Some days I think “2016” began too early; other days I wonder if the comedians can keep up with the GOP fodder.

  11. I imagine in his time Old Ted Poe has taken more than his share of cash. This is just a fit of envy.

  12. Hollyanna says:

    Dad gummit! We are officially living in an “Idiocracy” and our congress critters are leading the way…

  13. Whaddaya do when you are elected but know zip about governing and don’t care to learn? You whip up an investigative committee hearing and superglue yourself to the media until all the polar ice caps melt away and time doesn’t exist anymore. Poe is too stoooopid to realize that sometimes what a good candidate needs is a really nasty war is on thing like a blatantly bizarre committee hearing, so bizarre that anyone watching or listening will jump to support the candidate. Poor Ted Poe. He just might find out that nobody from his special table in the school cafeteria wants to play with him on this idea.

  14. maryelle says:

    I’m with you, Rhea. Let’s get our own vast left-wing conspiracy organized, so we can discredit each clown in the car one by one.
    And I love Hollyanna’s term, “Idiocracy”. Pretty much sums up the situation with “low-information” voters all over this country.
    Democracy doesn’t work if their brains don’t.

  15. linda phipps says:

    I misremember which goonfest this week came up with Obama moving the election and staying in the WH…
    What I would love (though I favor Obama staying until the last gasp of his presidency) … is to hold the election next month, so we don’t have to listen to all this crap. Of course we would still have to listen to all that crap, but it would be even more worthless crap than ever.

  16. @ linda phipps, I think the last election should have been held right after the government shutdown, when low-attention-span voters could remember who was responsible for that very expensive and pointless farce.

    The sad thing is that, come early November, we will still have a YEAR of this garbage to plow through.

  17. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Talk about wasting taxpayer money…these investigating types are certainly willing to do it in great fat bales.

  18. Old Mayfly says:

    The Republican point of view is that the Clintons surely must be guilty of something because they have been investigated so much by Republicans.

    None of those Republican investigations have found a single illegality–which just proves how devious the Clintons are.

    There you go!
