It’s Because We’re Lazy

October 05, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I can bring home the bacon,
Fry it up in pan,
And never, even let you
Forget you’re a man.
Because I’m a woman,

And here’s the Chuck Grasley version


Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) predicted that there would be more Republican women on his panel next year, after suggesting that the panel’s workload was a deterrent.

“It’s a lot of work – maybe they don’t want to do it,” Mr. Grassley told reporters. “My chief of staff of 33 years tells me we’ve tried to recruit women and we couldn’t get the job done.”

Mr. Grassley later returned to clarify that he did not mean to imply women could not handle the committee’s workload, but rather that it made it less appealing to senators of both genders.

Yeah, that’s what you meant, Chuck. Sure thing.

Chuck, Honey, there’s only five Republican women in the entire Senate.  Democrats have 5 women on the judiciary committee alone.  So you have two on the judiciary committee. Maybe it’s just Republican women who are lazy, huh?  I know Susan Collins is intellectually lazy.  Does that count?

Jerk. That man is five pounds of arrogance in a two pound bag.


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0 Comments to “It’s Because We’re Lazy”

  1. easttxdem says:

    JJ — I think you give Susan Collins too much credit by saying she’s intellectually lazy. This implies that she has some measure of intellect. She’s demonstrated time and again that her “measured approach” and “consideration of the issue” is nothing more than a stall tactic so that she appears to be giving serious consideration to her votes, but when it comes right down to it, she’ll vote the party line time and again. Her reputation as one of the last “moderate” Republicans is un-earned and a farce. And, fie on the political press who’ve played along with her charade.

  2. Open a unrestricted with unlimited financeing of mcconnell and his wife for fraud ( a no show job for wife), conflict of interests and anything else just keep digging until they are bankrupt, suicide or in jail and even then seize entire estate no whack jobs to profit from his criminal activity.
    Same with grassley.
    They did it to menendez and mosely-braun so just totally upend their lives and resignation is no end to investigation.
    Only a guilty plea with them at gitmo getting waterboarded at least 5 times a day can end it.
    Remember the world they have created if we don’t do it to them first they will do it to us as soon as they feel the need.

  3. Charles R Phillips says:

    K, that assumes democrats re-take the senate. That is looking less likely by the day, especially with Joe Manchin folding like a Corvair hitting a semi.

  4. Nothing to stop House d’s from investigating senate thuglicans.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Susan Collins lost her sensibility when Senator Snowe retired. Clarence Thomas lost his muse when Scalia died. And Lindsey lost his moorings when Senator McCain died. Albeit Lindsey was a jerk before he flew in formation with McCain & Lieberman. He’s simply reverted to form. The sad fact is that it apparently takes two or more snacilbupeR to form half a brain.

    Chuck G_assley is the crazy uncle of the Senate. His family really needs to check the old boy for a living will and any provisions in it that would keep him home on the farm.

  6. Collins has done this trick before when she used a procedural rule to cover her anatomy. Definitely not the sharpest pencil in the box, especially if she expects people not to see what she is or isn’t doing.

  7. Maggie, a recent look the crowdpac for Collins was over $3M and Act Blue has a similar campaign as well. Word from Mainers is that she really wants to be governor and will probably leave the Senate in 2020. It will be interesting to see if Mainers think this is a good idea.

    Maine is 95% white and 20% seniors. It’s supposedly becoming more diverse but that’s like saying 2 is 100% greater than 1- starting from a really small base.

  8. Poor old Chuck would collapse by lunchtime if he didn’t have a staff to do all his work for him.

  9. 1toughlady says:

    I remember that old Aviance perfume commercial. Loved that jingle. Grassley, not so much. He’s a doddering old coot with no couth and no courage.
