Interesting Goings On at the DC Circuit Yesterday

December 15, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Mueller, Russians, Trump

CNN is reporting that unknown attorneys argued yesterday in a locked courtroom before a three judge federal appeals court panel over a challenged subpoena to Mueller’s grand jury.  This is the third such hearing, but this time, the entire fifth floor of the courthouse was cleared of all press and observers but for a few judiciary clerks.  The lawyers, who remain unidentified, arrived and left the courthouse under cover.  About 10 minutes after the hubbub on the fifth floor ceased, a black car carrying two of the Mueller team were seen entering the building where Mueller’s team resides.

Very interesting.  With all the secrecy, this witness is clearly highly placed.  My guess it’s a Trump family member; Jr.? Ivanka? Kushner?  This will make a great study in governance after this is all over.

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