In The Regular World, It’s Called a Gay Bar

May 28, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Those wacky Catholics!

They have decided that gay male Catholics will be just fine if they just “football-up.”  They are sponsoring a sport’s camp for gay men.

Courage, a Catholic group that encourages people with same-sex attraction to remain celibate, is holding its 13th annual sports camp in which “men physically compete on the field while enriching their souls through a daily regimen of prayer, confessions, mass, and the Liturgy of the Hours,” according to the group’s website.

And why would they do this?

Therapist Paul Kleponis of the Institute for Marital Healing in West Conshohocken has said at Courage conferences that he believes homosexuality was rooted in childhood rejection and trauma and that through therapy people could develop an attraction for the opposite sex. He declined to comment for this story.

Some of that rejection, at least for men, can be linked to failure at sports, the group maintains.

Well, danged.  So what you’re telling me is that there are no gay professional athletes.  I did not know that.

So, you get a bunch of gay guys together, playing a hot sweaty game of tackle and what could possibly go wrong?

Y’all, it’s a Catholic gay sports bar.

I think that’s pretty cool, but I think they should call it that.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “In The Regular World, It’s Called a Gay Bar”

  1. Wasn’t this a SNL skit years ago….

    “You’ll learn how to be a man– all about how to be a REAL man. You’ll live and work and play like a man with nothing but other men for company on the good ship HMS Raging Queen….”

  2. Gays are mostly failures at sports huh? Who knew?

    Yeah, I’ll tell that to my college linebacker cousin and the myriad of athletic gay men I know.

    Also, I’m thinking my younger cousin would probably like to get in line to attend this “sports camp” if for nothing else but the guffaw value. Of course, he is an atheist and definitely not celibate so he’d probably just laugh, run over a few of the supposed other “athletic failures” and be bored at the idiocy of it all.

    Can you ever just make this stuff up Juanita? For once I’d like the ending to be—GOTCHA. No? Crap!

  3. Sam in Pearland says:

    Wonderful movie, Zorro the Gay Blade where Bunny Wigglesworth quotes: Bunny Wigglesworth: They say the Navy makes men. I’m living proof – they made ME!

    Hasn’t the Catholic Church already done enough to abuse and degrade their members?

  4. Seems to be the Catholic equivalent of Mr. Bachmann’s “pray away the gay…” maybe the bishop thought he had a good idea….is there federal money involved?

  5. Guess they missed this news from the past week:

    Psychologist Recants Gay Cure Study
    Psychologist Robert L. Spitzer apologizes for a controversial study about ex-gay therapy, which has since been used by socially conservative groups arguing that homosexuality is a choice.

  6. BarbinDC says:

    I’m not so sure the Catholic church oughta be talking about celebacy these days.

  7. I think many people would be happier if the Catholic leaders and every other fundamentalist religious group got their heads out of everyone else’s sex lives and devoted all that energy to… oh, say, alleviating hunger and disease, reducing abusive behavior (by themselves and others), repairing the environmental damage we’re doing…. You know, stuff that actually matters.

  8. Really, now what could possibly go wrong with this idea???

  9. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    The underlying theme of this is that even though BEING gay is not sinful, having sex with anyone who is not your Catholic wedded spouse blessed by a priest is a sin. Just another one of those little jokes thought up by the Almighty to keep itself amused — I’m gonna make you gay and that’s all right but if you ACT gay, you’re going to be one of those souls who burn in Hell forever and ever to provide entertainment for the Real True Christians who got saved. It’s almost as good as the one thought up for bi-polar people — “Here’s the deal. I’m gonna make you very creative and artistic and people will live what you do but just to keep things interesting, every so often you’re gonna want to kill yourself.”

  10. Umpty Dump says:

    “Okay men, that’s enough practice for today. In ten minutes, regroup in the shower for our prayer session.”

  11. Umpty Dump says:

    While writing the previous, it just occurred to me: If he’s interested, coaching this bunch could be a great opportunity (sic) for Jerry Sandusku.

  12. daChipster says:

    It’s not a sports camp, it’s a recruiting drive.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Reminds me of a young man I know who once told me that when he was in college they made all the kids who were drinking too much to attend a regular group therapy thing. He said it was the best way to find out who else liked to drink.

  14. Aggieland Liz says:

    Count me in w Rhea. And read the end of the Gospel of Matthew. Not one thing about abortion, gays, adultery; NOT ONE! Catholic Charities is up on the Hill fighting for SNAP and the Violence against Women Act btw; you cynics out there will say it’s about the money, but at least they are fighting for some of those people listed by Matthew…and the skirts and funny hats DID come down on Paul Ryan, but not hard enough, IMHO. Wish they’d just stick to social justice, which ought to be their mission, sigh.
