In The Regular World, It’s Called a Gay Bar

May 28, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Those wacky Catholics!

They have decided that gay male Catholics will be just fine if they just “football-up.”  They are sponsoring a sport’s camp for gay men.

Courage, a Catholic group that encourages people with same-sex attraction to remain celibate, is holding its 13th annual sports camp in which “men physically compete on the field while enriching their souls through a daily regimen of prayer, confessions, mass, and the Liturgy of the Hours,” according to the group’s website.

And why would they do this?

Therapist Paul Kleponis of the Institute for Marital Healing in West Conshohocken has said at Courage conferences that he believes homosexuality was rooted in childhood rejection and trauma and that through therapy people could develop an attraction for the opposite sex. He declined to comment for this story.

Some of that rejection, at least for men, can be linked to failure at sports, the group maintains.

Well, danged.  So what you’re telling me is that there are no gay professional athletes.  I did not know that.

So, you get a bunch of gay guys together, playing a hot sweaty game of tackle and what could possibly go wrong?

Y’all, it’s a Catholic gay sports bar.

I think that’s pretty cool, but I think they should call it that.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads-up.

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