In a Nutshell

February 12, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is the best argument for impeachment.

“I’m not afraid of Donald Trump running again in four years,” said Lieu. “I’m afraid he’s going to run again and lose, because he can do this again.”

As far as I am concerned, that right there is enough.


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0 Comments to “In a Nutshell”

  1. Cannot wait for thr GOPers to make their case……word on the street is dump will be president by March 4th.

  2. I had to turn it off once this fool mention Mayor Bower’s letter. These Rethugs will distort absolutely anything to divert attention from the real problem. That letter had to do with His Heinous sending Federal law officers and National Guard personnel to Lafayette Square and having them attack peaceful demonstrators on the streets of DC–just so he could walk across the Square and hold up a bible–upside down–in front of St. John’s church. The Mayor rightfully objected. It had nothing to do whatsoever with what happened at the Capitol last month. In fact, the DC police ran to the rescue.

    That’s OK. These idiots will just make sure that the District of Columbia becomes the Douglass Commonwealth sooner rather than later.

  3. Is anybody else watching this today? It is making me nuts!

  4. Waiting for 17 decent Republicons … nah J/K. The House has the Freedumb and Quack-a-Non caucuses. The Senate can claim the coward’s caucus.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I can’t bare to watch but expect they’re going to say that the Portland and Seattle vandalism last year after the George Floyd protests somehow proves the capital insurrection isn’t a crime on Trumpf’s part. The democrats caused everything.
    I’ll be checking the play by play highlights on this site.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Frankly, I don’t even want him to be able to run for dog catcher! But – and you know there’s always a big butt where he’s concerned – the GOPers, including my Senators are too clueless to do anything but support him and not convict. I hope it’s remarked on in their future political campaigns and when they have to explain it to Saint Peter!

  7. This [the U.S. Constitution] is likely to be administered for a course of years and then end in despotism… when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.

    ~ Benjamin Franklin

  8. On The Farm says:

    Fran at #1,
    I’ve also heard March 4 mentioned as an important trump date.
    Are there any more details on your comment “word on the street is dump will be president by March 4th.”

  9. On The Farm says:

    I found link to March 4, and importance to tRump and Qanon:

  10. Nah, Trump won’t run for Pres. again. He’s smart enough to realize that he’s more effective as a shady businessman. He’ll buy up a TV news network, an Internet platform or two, a few social-network sites, and use them to affect politics more efficiently than he ever could as POTUS. The Dems are flapping their gums for nothing.
