Impeachment is Too Good For Kavanaugh. He Needs To Be Slapped In The Face With A … Well, You Know What.

September 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, come to find out, Brett Kavanaugh, who, by the way, likes beer, lied during his confirmation hearing.  Apparently, he has to be mean, loud, aggressive, and make awful faces when he lies.

Do you know who else lied under oath?  Bill Clinton. And he got impeached for it. So we shall see who is above the law.

Also come to find out, the FBI isn’t exactly Sherlock Holmes when it comes to investigating people Trump likes. Hell, in this case, they weren’t even Nancy Drew.

The FBI chose to ignore corroborating evidence from dozens of witnesses. Yet they claim they did a 10 month investigation.

Scariest of all, of course, was Trump’s tweeting.



In the first tweet, he misspelled libel, calling it liable. Suggesting that the Justice Department should come to Kavanaugh’s rescue is one more example of the imperial presidency.

Trump simply does not understand government, much less democracy.  And he’s scaring the crap outta me.

And we’re moved in and I love my new house. I live here with Bubba and boxes. Lotsa boxes.


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