I’m Gonna Say It

January 08, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump looked like a pavement princess in church or the guy at the bar who looks like he’s been there three hours and ten drinks too long.

All this is Obama’s fault?

Trump can’t pronunciate words right – was that tolerate or toilirite? – and somebody please give him a Kleenex.

The only thing that keeps you awake during his speeches is the total terror that he’s going to declare war on Hawaii because … Obama.


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0 Comments to “I’m Gonna Say It”

  1. “he’s going to declare war on Hawaii”

    Hey! If he attacks from the mainland I’ll spot the incoming first, from here on the eastern shoreline of Big Island. I’ll try and send word before the lights go out. I should have time, unless Trump aims for fresh lava.

    BTW, has anyone else noticed Trump is standing down by announcing it “appears Iran is standing down?” I’m glad he is, but he certainly has a funny way of presenting it to his raw meat base.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    The innerwebs are speculating about IQ4.5’s Adderall addiction. While some of us remain loyal to the observation by Rexxon Drillerson: “***king moron.” Whether drugs, dementia or fatal st00pidity, who in the Senate will speak up and demand that the ***king moron be removed from office? Thus far Senators Duckworth and Warren have spoken. Where is Senate Minority ‘Leader’ Chuck Schumer? We don’t expect Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey to adhere to Constitutional principles, but seriously where are the other 96 Senators. Susan Collins and Mittens Romney don’t count; double speak ain’t speech, except in a novel or in the alternate reality of Fox Not the News and Republicon villages.

  3. An Autocrat’s dreams of unhindered Crimes Against Humanity

    If America’s commander-in-chief is to be believed, plans and methods are already in place for a mass killing whose death toll could, at a minimum, exceed those of the Holocaust, the Cambodian genocide, the Rwandan genocide, the Vietnam War, the Korean War, the Hundred Years’ War, and the American Revolution combined—and all in a country where the Pentagon believes there are only 40,000 to 80,000 Taliban fighters and fewer than 2,000 Islamic State militants.

    It’s a strange fact of our moment that President Trump has claimed to have “plans” (or “a method”) for annihilating millions of innocent people, possibly most of the population of Afghanistan. Yet those comments of his barely made the news, disappearing within days. Even for a president who threatened to unleash “fire and fury” on North Korea and usher in “the end” of Iran, hinting at the possibility of wiping out most of the civilian population of an ally represented something new.

    After all, America’s commander-in-chief does have the authority, at his sole discretion, to order the launch of weapons from the vast U.S. nuclear arsenal. So it was no small thing last year when President Trump suggested that he might unleash a “method of war” that would kill at least 54% of the roughly 37 million inhabitants of Afghanistan. 

    “I have plans on Afghanistan that, if I wanted to win that war, Afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the Earth. It would be gone,” the president remarked prior to a July 2019 meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. “If we wanted to fight a war in Afghanistan and win it, I could win that war in a week. I just don’t want to kill 10 million people.”

    In September, he ramped up the rhetoric—and the death toll—further. “We’ve been very effective in Afghanistan,” he said. “And if we wanted to do a certain method of war, we would win that very quickly, but many, many, really, tens of millions of people would be killed.” 

    And yet almost no one—in Washington or Kabul—wanted to touch such presidential comments. The White House, the Pentagon, and the State Department all demurred. So did the chief spokesman for Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.

    One high-ranking Afghan official apologized to me for being unable to respond honestly to President Trump’s comments. A current American official expressed worry that reacting to the president’s Afghan threats might provoke a presidential tweet storm against him and refused to comment on the record.

    As 2020 begins, with America’s Afghan war in its 19th year and “progress” as nonexistent as ever, a beleaguered president continues to mull over just how to end America’s “endless wars” (while seemingly expanding them further). Under the circumstances, who knows what might happen in Afghanistan?

    Will 2020 be the year of peace or of Armageddon there—or will it simply bring more of the same?  With a president for whom “plans” may be more figurative than literal, all of this and the fate of perhaps 20 million or more Afghans remain among the great “unknown unknowns” of our time.

    full article:

  4. Jane & PKM
    His late nite tweets certainly sound like the 3 AM blitherings of a speed freak.
    I’ve heard plenty of those and it sure sounds familiar.

  5. as a RINO i always look objectively at R office seekers, the last R that i voted 4 was Mcain in the primary.. the GOP has left me… i simply cannot the accept the stupid 1/3 of the voters that do not support impeachment of bone spurs..

  6. Widely off subject but along the lines of the “dog that didn’t bark”.
    Every year in the past I remember newspapers and generally all media outlets publishing predictions for the the New Year from psychics, astrologers, think tanks etc.
    I enjoy reading them for amusement, no faith in them just distraction.
    This year what I have noticed is the lack of these traditional bromides except in the sphere of technology and that may be more because of the ongoing CES show ( Consumer Electronics Show) in Vegas(?)
    Is it because the future appears so dire that no one wishes to mention it preferring that their true believers stumble into the apocalyptic future unaware
    With rapid environmental degradation ( wildfires in Australia etc) the generalized guesses of war, natural disasters and negative social movements no fantastical predictions of the failure of humanity could possibly exceed ongoing reality?
    Or last possibility is that these have usually been “good” news (happy news) stories and with the future we face it would strip any semblance of belief from any “good” news predictions in face of ongoing shambles.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Mike, apologies for my lack of clarity. Whether IQ4.5 is displaying signs of addiction, his natural st00pidity, dementia or all three, what is clear is that the ***king moron should be removed from office. At this juncture I’m not particularly concerned with how. Be it death, impeachment or dropping the 25 on the 45, it needs to be now. Waiting for the 2020 election leaves too much time for the colossal moron to do more unspeakable damage. That pretty much leaves it up to the Senate. Senate Democrats to be sure, since Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey don’t give a damn about the country.

    New York, please. Wake up your senior Senator and remind him he has responsibilities as Minority Leader of the Senate. Ladies of the Senate please feel free to stomp on Chuck’s instep with very pointy heels until he shows signs of life. tia

  8. My dad died from effects of dementia. Toward the end he really couldn’t say much so he’d shout what he could remember from “the big war”- Sehr Gut! And Sieg Heil in case we lose. Trump’s repertoire of phrases is becoming similarly limited, but at least Dad kept his gentle sense of humor.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    megasoid@3, went on to read the full article which seemed to miss an obvious comparison to Barry Goldwater’s “solution” to fighting in Viet Nam. Goldwater was smashed in the 1964 election. Which brings me to IQ4.5’s poll numbers which seem to be unbelievably high, or the worse possibility – Republicon success in the dumbing down of America. Electing Dubya twice gave me a sense we had become seriously st00pid. Allowing IQ4.5 to remain in office leads me to believe the st00pid may be worse than my worst nightmare.

  10. slipstream says:

    So, an old joke, but one that bears repeating:

    When Nikita Khrushchev took the reins of the Soviet Union, he went into the office of his predecessor, Georgy Malenkov, and had the safe cut open. Khrushchev hoped to find lots of Malenkov’s secrets, but found only a a single letter, with two sealed envelopes clipped to the back. The envelopes were labelled 1 and 2.

    The letter said: “To whoever follows me. Some day, when you have a crisis and it looks like you won’t be able to stay in power, open envelope 1, and all will be saved. The next time you have a similar crisis, open envelope 2.”

    Khrushchev wasn’t impressed. Stuck the letter in a drawer somewhere, and nearly forgot about it.

    But a few years later when a major crisis was brewing, war loomed, and it looked like he might be deposed, Khrushchev remembered the letter. He opened envelope one. The paper inside had just four words: “BLAME EVERYTHING ON ME.”

    So he did. Khrushchev denounced Malenkov as a traitor, as an idiot, as disloyal, as born in Kenya, as a secret Muslim, as a Hillary voter . . . everything he could think of. It worked. The country’s anger turned away from the current premier and toward Malenkov. Khrushchev stayed in power.

    A few years later, another huge crisis. Khrushchev wasn’t worried: there was another envelop to be opened. Just when it looked like everything was coming crashing down upon him, he opened envelope two.

    The paper inside said: “PREPARE TWO ENVELOPES.”

  11. @9 Jane & PKM Yeah, had to look up that old political ad with the little girl and the nuke. Really dysfunctional fear mongered PR.


    Dolt’s attacks on SSI / healthcare supposedly cost the lives of 10K. So genocide not a big step for the ass. Plus swamp related albatross fiats around our necks and lives.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    megasoid@11, IQ4.5’s poll numbers are not the only suspect statistics. 10,000 dead due to Republicon healthcare and IQ4.5 seems to be a compilation of some very underreported numbers. That seems like the number of morning after the 2016 election cardiac episode deaths, among only the uninsured. Dogs know how many jumped, shot themselves or fell on a knife in just the first week of Dotard Donnie.

    Bush/Cheney and their ghouls were much better at this manufactured fear schtick than the current maladministration. All those colored flag warnings sold some serious amounts of ineffective duct tape and window plastics. People in the streets of Iran may be protesting, but it’s likely that the leadership of Iran is laughing at the ***king moron. Once again, Donnie took scatter aim on Twitter. The greatest fear he has created is that of standing next to him or staying at a Trump property. His kids are not going to be happy about that lost revenue. Let’s hope he has a living will and one of his kids pull the trigger on committing dear old Dodgy.

  13. Jane & PKM @12 The ten thousand number was qualified as “supposed.” As for polling, I can read it but never give it that much cred because of the artificially polished results: Biden’s high #’s throughout the year even with his atrocious voting history on Medicare and SS freezes, credit card debt, law and order prison reform and failing to simply state any opinion on assassination, war etc.

    Polls are crafted and manufactured consent by corporations, think tanks, RNC, DNC DCCC

  14. Ted in Austin says:

    Jane & PKM @9, Remember the Republicons long game plan began in the 60s with “First we take over the school boards …”. They have been extremely successful in their plan to dumb down America. Corporate overlords don’t want an educated workforce, they want malleable, stupid, sycophants.

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    Ted in Austin@14, my bad. With Moscow Mitch sitting on Congress so little is happening legislatively that I forgot to factor them in as a workplace. In terms of st00pid and Republicons, the corporate overlords are remarkable overachievers. Some are so dumb, like Joe Manchin, they don’t even realize that they’re Republicons. Hey, yippee, those dumb kids of the 60s grew up to be our Congress varmints. Ain’t America grand? Next up, the Republicon home schooled generation intermarries with their KKKristian Day School counterparts to form the MAGAt Congress.

    Thanks Ted, now I need a drink and it’s not 5 here. May I borrow your time zone?

  16. I don’t know what drugs he was on, but he was as zombie-like as I have ever seen. Really creepy.

  17. Linda Phipps says:

    That stupid putz Don Jr. is not really protecting the “family” with that recent photo of him carrying a scary gun with Hillary on the stock and the logo of white supremacy (the crusader cross) in the background. Look it up.https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/200106205008-donald-trump-jr-rifle-instagram-exlarge-169.jpg

  18. Ted in Austin says:

    Jane & PKM @15. No need to borrow. As my (very) late Grandfather told me back in the 60s, while making his Irish coffee and liver & onions breakfast, “ it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere.” I am a kid of the 60s, but fortunate enough to have been raised in that bastion of liberal immorality known as as the San Francisco Bay Area. Hopefully the Republican Oligarchs are playing their last hand, as even the ignorant Deplorables are waking to the reality that they’re being taken for a ride to nowhere. We can only hope. And, vote in your school board elections, run the GObastards out of every town! Texas is a harbinger of the damage done when snacilbupeR control the State Board of Education, their idea of history is an abominable rewriting of reality (don’t even get me started on their views on the science curriculum!).

  19. Just take a look at the military types forced to act as props in the background while Dotard was wheezing and snuffling his way through the worst “look presidential” speech (since “I am not a crook?”) of the 21st century.

    Talk about looking like they wanted to be anywhere but next to IQ4.5…

  20. It’s flu season; don’t you try to avoid spending time near any sniffler?

  21. Its always the other guys fault? And all he can recall of past American President’s is his predecessor? I bet he can’t find the names of such as Washington, Adams Jefferson, Madison, Monroe etc. etc. anywhere in his brain. Ask him up close about any of these presidents and watch his eyes glaze over.
