Greg Abbott Has It Floored In Neutral

January 08, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is not tottering on the verge of paranoid hysteria, he’s sleeping or has passed out at the dinner table.

Get this:



Oh silver plated rodeo with mother of pearl inlay!  Texas must be the highest bastion of anti-Persian power on earth and neighboring planets and that’s why they are going after us.  But Texas, fully armed, loaded, and ready to fight a damn war with Bubba and Melvin over at the shooting range leading the troops currently housed at trailer parks in Grimes County (and I have proof of that), are holding off them damn hackers.

Okay, proof about the trailer parks in Grimes County:



If you’ve never heard of Confederate Heroes Day, neither have people in Iran.  And they made it tricky because they put it on Martin Luther King Day.

Back to the idea of 10,000 Iranian computer hacks per minute on the Texas state computer system.



One hack did get the job done, though.  Our big doofus agriculture commissioner, Sid Miller, got his website hacked.



However, even Miller says it was probably the work of kids.

It’s not clear how the hackers got into the website. Officials don’t think it was Iran, but they suspect it may have been youth participating in some type of cyber challenge, Miller said.

Good Lord, he got that figured out and he’s an idiot.

Yeah, and I don’t think Iranians would name themselves #theloserteam.

Just a guess on my part though, just like every official statement from Greg Abbott.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Greg Abbott Has It Floored In Neutral”

  1. Not from Texas but I’ll go with paranoid hysteria, sleeping AND passed out at the dinner table. Ten thousand flying monkeys per minute descending on ME!!! And you were there, and you, and you…

  2. Sandridge says:

    I spent some time working in several Grimes County towns, it was like going back in time.
    Sort of got used to seeing all-black chain gangs [in striped clothes] working around, guarded by shotgun-toting deputies.
    Chuck Norris is right at home between Navasota and Anderson.
    Worked right behind the county courthouse in Anderson [pop ~250], the place reeked of the “plantation mentality”.
    ” Anderson has never fully recovered from economic decline suffered during the late nineteenth century. As a result, the town’s appearance has been largely unchanged since the beginning of the twentieth century.[13]”,_Texas,_Texas

  3. I would believe Iran is after Sid Miller’s Agricultural computer network. They probably want details and plans on some of that town-blowing-up fertilizer technology.

  4. Sam in Superior says:

    It could have something to do with the fact that the state pays woefully low wages for computer security personnel. When I was in the MS Cyber Security program at UTSA, no one planned to work for the minimum pay they offered.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Greg Babbitt could only “floor it in neutral” if he was taking Drivers Ed and the instructor was still in the car whispering directions into his ear. 2020 continues to be Dubya’s year as was 2019 with both a pResident and Gubnor (make that 2, pRick Perry) more st00pid than he was. Voting Republicon and other ways to make st00pid seem normal.

    Grimes County, Connecticut has a sign they’d like to share with you:

  6. SOONER Jim says:

    I love it…want some more of it!

    Especially the buried gem about “Confederate Heroes Day” being used to confuse those EYEraineyums .

    But I’m dang well not gonna let you cut my hair……

  7. Can’t stop laughing! Absurdity can be really funny!

  8. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Time to reactivate the Jade Helm 15 troops! Man the punchcards and roll out the paper tape!!

  9. Keeping with confederate heroes day I hereby declare September 11th as terrorist heroes day, since they both opposed the US.
