I’m Awake! I’m Awake! I Was Just Resting My Eyes.

February 23, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Can somebody please tell me what century this is?

“We just got an army of people and many women, who left their kitchens to go out and go door-to-door and to put yard signs up for me.”

— Gov. John Kasich, at a Virginia town hall meeting.

I guess we know who inherited Romney’s binders full of women.


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0 Comments to “I’m Awake! I’m Awake! I Was Just Resting My Eyes.”

  1. treehugger says:

    So, I guess only men are people. And the non-people women spend their days in their kitchens. I’d call this candidate a Neanderthal, but that’s an insult to Neanderthals. Cockroach Kasich should scurry back into whatever dark crevice he crawled out of.

  2. I wonder if these wimmen are allowed to wear shoes?

  3. Kinda goes along well with banning funding for Planned Parenthood in Ohio: barefoot and pregnant and campaigning for the ogre who took away your rights.

  4. The Ohio state capitol building is missing a dome. So is Kasich.

  5. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Did they have their husband’s permission to step out of the house and were they fully covered?

  6. When I was a teen I got into a shouting match with my sainted mother. I said regrettable things to her. She was angered but mostly hurt. Later my sainted father quoted those words back to me pretty much verbatim as a question. Before I could speak he said “You got a momma, a sister and maybe in the future a wife and a daughter. Fix your thinking now.”

    Kasich, you have a momma, a sister, a wife, and ex-wife and two daughters. You need to fix your thinking. Now.

  7. This guy is on a downward curve: behold – an agency just for the propagation of the Christian faith; now his notion of wimmin! What a maroon!

  8. Now he’s mansplaining it to ladies that he didn’t mean it. How does he do this? He tells them to “relax.” Oy.

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    Micr? He’s got an ex-wife? Oh, yeah, his thinkin’s broke all right. And needs to get fixed real soon or there might be another ex-wife. Just sayin…

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Samantha Bee tells us everything we need to know about John ALEC Ksuchasheis.


  11. “All these women left their kitchens to work for me. And as soon as we’re done, I’m sending ’em back.”

  12. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Oh, did John Kasich forget how many women left their kitchens years ago to get a job to help support their families after our good paying middle class jobs were sent overseas by Cons like John Kasich?

    Huh. That bad memory make Kasich unfit for duty, imo.

    @micr God bless your dad.

  13. treehugger, men are people. Black men are inferior people. Women are sex organs on legs; since they have no brains, men must make decisions for them.

    If you think the WingNuts had drooling hissy fits over Obama, just wait and see what would happen if a woman were elected President.

  14. “people and many women who left their kitchens….”

    I’m sorry, is it 1962 *again*?

    Good video link, PKM. Kasich is another ugly right-winger like Rubio who looks “moderate” only when he’s on the same stage with Trump and Cruz. These glassbowls wouldn’t know moderate if it bit them where it hurts, and I wish it would.

  15. I thought someone said that he was referring to his first campaign back in the 70’s. Yes I do find it stupid to repeat now, but I can understand how it was a viable perception for the original time period.

    For all those you protested and helped change the views and realities of our world to a more progressive state, Thanks!

  16. Tilphousia says:

    What century indeed? Must not be in my neck of the woods. We’d have had Kacish in the kitchen doing OUR dishes whilst we put out Hillary for President signs.

  17. …and Kacish actually seemed like the reasonable one during those GOP yelling, bitch’in, whining, and blaming matches they’ve been having.
