Obama and Putin and Francis, Oh MY!

February 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

By:  Fenway Fran

Just in case Juanita’s eyes need a little rest during the day, I’m sending her some eyedrops and a spare post to use if and when she sees fit. (See what I did there?) And, to be honest, she should not be risking her vision looking at what I am about to show you.

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The long arm of crazzzy Texas reached out and touched me with this piece of incendiary ‘literature’. Yessiree, the Seminars Unlimited from Keene, Texas has found me in the Pacific Northwest. And now there is no way for me (or you) to unsee this.

After a decade of careful study and scholarly legwork, speaker and author Tim Roosenberg unveils a staggering new study of Bible prophecy that demonstrates that the Bible is not silent regarding Islam in these last days.”

I am invited to learn about “Islam and Christianity-The Basics” next Friday in The Dalles at 7:30 pm, with a complementary meal served at 6:30. Do I need to remind you what happens when crazy people want the normal population to “eat up” in The Dalles? But I digress…

This is not just a one night stand…this goes on for 10 days. After the initial presentation, I can further increase my awareness with important and relevant topics such as The King of the North and the little Horn Antichrist beast, The role of the US, Israel, and Islam in the growing conflict (on consecutive nights), and this little gem, which I will just hate to miss. Does everyone get a free tattoo after dinner?


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Wait a minute…is that Putin’s forehead with the Mark of the Beast?????

Go back to Texas, dude.

Now excuse me, I need to go disinfect my mailbox and take a shower.


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0 Comments to “Obama and Putin and Francis, Oh MY!”

  1. I’m not in to tats but if I was I would be sorely tempted to have a (very large) “6 6 6” tatted onto some of the substantial real estate of my forehead, ala the above photograph. Nothing quite screams your statement of sanity quite like a forehead tat. Or a forehead keloid. Just axe Charlie Manson!

  2. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Maybe just a temporary 666 to hold me until the Rapture is over and we can get back to normalcy.

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    Micr: Have the tat artist do it in words. And have him make the I’s look like E’s. That could work. No?

  4. Ten days. How long does it take to brainwash someone if you “catapult the propaganda,” as Dubya called it, repeatedly into their gap-mouthed heads…?

    Oh, if only the Rapture would remove all those people we could so easily do without, we could get on with business and governing a sane country. On the other hand, if it takes only *truly* religious people instead of those who talk the talk and don’t walk the walk, we may (almost) all be disappointed in the result.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, speaking of exfoliated real estate, has anyone else noticed the action going on with the back of Roboto Rutabaga’s head? In another glaring similarity between he and Snotty Wanker, the Rubes is sporting the rear vertex alopecia. While of course their most striking similarity remains their empty craniums.

    Whatever Tim Roosenberg is babbling about he can just stop. Anything crazy to be said is being said by pervangelist and wannabe presidential candidate Raphael Cruz, Jr.

  6. …..invited to learn about “Islam and Christianity-The Basics” …. Simple they are both a load of BS!!! lecture done.

    The amazing part is there no such thing a “666”, don’t look at the buyBull, look at the original scroll fragment. The number takes some wild imagination to get 666 from it. And I just read (don’t remember where) that the middle 6 is a misinterpretation and should be a 1.

  7. Old Mayfly says:

    In the 1950s as a young teen, I was exposed for the first time to the dreary religious systems that predict wholesale slaughter.

    Apparently hell, end-times, rapture etc. are needed to add a bit of spice to their adherents’ otherwise boring lifestyle.

  8. @JAKvirginia

    Love your sense of humor BUT I would never trust you with my well-being drunk or stoned. I fear I’d wake up Tuesday after a hot Saturday night with a blue ribbon tied around my penis and married to a stripper. No thanks! Tats are included in this disclaimer as well.

  9. “… author Tim Roosenberg unveils a staggering new study of Bible prophecy…”

    Love your use of the word staggering, because it does read like A LOT of drinking was involved!

  10. And all of the attendees as wells the boss of this event will be there without their keepers! This would be a gray opportunity to pour some Prozac into the local water supply.

  11. If events like this keep those loonies off the street then let’s have more. They smack of the old southern style tent revivals which are still afoot today. Low information voters are actually just low information people looking for a magical reason to make themselves important.

  12. With the help of Glen Becks magic chalkboard, the number ‘666’ is actually Donald J. Trump’s name spelled backward, Marco Rubio’s name spelled sideways, and Ted Cruz’s name spelled left handed.
    Looks like they all have a horse in this race.

  13. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    $666,000 was the amount blond woman released on bail from her Malheur caper was suing the gummint for. Just sayin’ it’s truly a remarkable coincidence.

  14. Speaking of pseudo-Christians and how in hell they could ever vote for tRump, Wapo tells us there is a precedence for the longing for a big bad guy, regardless of sliminess, to protect those poor little folk, in this case, Pope Leo in 800 BCE.

    “Our task is externally, with God’s help, to defend with our arms the holy Church of Christ against attacks by the heathen from any side and against devastation by the infidels and, internally, to strengthen the Church by the recognition of the Catholic faith. Your share, Most Holy Father, is to support our army with hands upraised to God, as did Moses in ancient days.” Leo, definitely not lion-hearted.

    So Leo, a very slimy fellow himself, picked good old, god-fearing Charlemagne. What a guy. Charlie introduced some very tRumpian regulations. (BTW, Charlie had a very tRumpian record of several wives and mistresses. But old Leo didn’t care because he’d transformed his dominion into a fearful flock.) Charlie, officially named “Protector of the Faith,” decreed that the “punishment for refusing to be baptized into the Catholic faith was death. Conversion at the point of the sword became a cultural norm.”

    Leo = right wingnut pseudo-Christians. Charlie = it’s so obvious I need not answer, except to add that I see 2-3 correct answers.

    Oh, a link to the story: https://goo.gl/f80vVM

  15. Linda Phipps says:

    Actually, I will not attempt to delete this story not clorox my eyes. I will refer back to it as a reminder that I am sane, or at least crazy about the right things.

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Wait a minute…is that Putin’s forehead with the Mark of the Beast?????”

    Putin maybe …. looks more like either Louie Gohmert’s pate or posterior. Please do not provide a ‘better’ photograph to make that determination. TIA

  17. Micr, at least the blue ribbon would mean you won first prize. Not remembering anything about the competition might be an advantage.

  18. PKM, is there a significant difference between Louie’s pate and posterior, at least with regard to contents? Can’t say I want to see either, though I suppose some preference for the former if I absolutely must.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, to your question in a word: no.

    Texas, please focus. We beg you. We understand as with most states there are a myriad of problems to be addressed. But, one thing at a time. Get rid of George Pee Bush as Land Commissioner, before he makes any attempt to drag the Bush name outside your borders; ever. And, if T-Rump leaves the job unfinished, remove Loathsome Ted from the Senate.

    Thank you,
    The other 49 states and the world

  20. 1smartcanerican says:

    I can’t imagine that there are enough people in The Dalles region to populate this Revival for 10 nights running! That is such an overload of crazy for anyone to absorb for one night, much less 10!

  21. Marge Wood says:

    After seeing this, I realized how long it’d been since I heard of Armageddon and Tribulation and the LEFT BEHIND series of novels. They have a series for kids too. I read one of the kids’ ones and got so annoyed that I wanted them removed from the library shelves. Of course books like that are usually requested so I just gritted my teeth and remembered that the books are horror novels. Maybe Cruz should be selling the series of novels (and videos and comics) as supplemental materials to give extra heft to his papa’s notion that Ted Cruz is one of the kings on the Seven Mountains who will bring the wealth of the nations to the priests. Myself, I’d find an old Robert Parker novel and read it. His novels are written better than LaHaye and Jenkins’ novels.

  22. The new religion of the right wing is Superstition.

  23. Aggieland Liz says:

    Oh good grief LynnN that’s older than dirt! The more appalling thing is that so many choose outright superstition in an age of science! I mean, there used to be an excuse for it, we didn’t know any better! But now? when we collide atoms and analyze the results, and listen to the collisions of stars? I’m in NO way opposed to G-d, but the measurable data has to be accounted for, no ifs, ands, buts, or Biblical tongues!

  24. Aggieland Liz says:

    Oops, my smarter half says for Pete’s sake that’s what you meant. Sorry. We are dealing w end of life issues for a dear family member and I am shockingly and distressingly literal at the moment. Checking in at the salon helps me keep my sanity; helping someone off this mortal coil not much fun. Please forgive me. I’ll go back to not commenting…

  25. @Marion (formerly known as MM)

    Thanks a lot … I just spent time searching on Shawna Cox and reading some of the nonsense she sent to the court as a “filing”. I bet that judge’s law clerks shared a couple of pizzas and a case of cheap beer reading through the drivel she offered up. Before assuring the judge it was bereft of content.

  26. John Peter Henson says:

    What I have read on the ‘666’ is that is a numerical representation of a name. In the older mysticism each letter of the name represents a number. The addition of these values comes to the total of 666. There have been several leaders in the Middle East whose name met this criterion….but alas no Antichrist roses rom there. Numerology has been a part of many faiths and does not really add to anything but another form of Mysticism.

  27. daChipster says:

    Aggieland Liz – daMrs and I will keep a good thought for your family. Say whatever you feel needs saying, if you feel it helps.

    Fenway Fran – great piece, but thanks, thanks! for the link to the stories about the Rasjneeshees. I’d always heard of the Bagwhan; I had no idea, though, of all of that.

  28. Fenway Fran says:

    daChipster, a

  29. Fenway Fran says:

    oops. bluetooth keyboard fault. What I was going to say, daChipster, is that one of my fellow Gorge Commissioners is a former Wasco County Commissioner and Judge. He and his wife ended up in the hospital for a week after salmonella poisoning at the local pizza joint and salad bar. That was the test run to see if the plan would work for election day. Incredible saga!

  30. I thought the British decided two centuries ago that 666 applied to Bonaparte and no one else.

  31. Aggieland Liz, all okay. I am so sorry for what you are going through.

  32. Marge Wood says:

    Aggieland Liz, let us know if you need someone to come hold your hand.
