If This Isn’t True, It Should Be

January 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

AlterNet says that some pranksters posted this sign at their local military enlistment center.



The tag line reminded me of something.  Trump likes to says that the people he kills die “like cowards.”

Well, there’s this.  After saying he looks forward to a fair trial and complete vindication, Trump is now saying he wants the Senate to vote to dismiss the impeachment the minute they get it.  No hearing, no opening statements, no diddle squat.  That.  That right there. That’s a coward.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up on the poster.


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0 Comments to “If This Isn’t True, It Should Be”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    Dana Milbank is spot on. Alexandra Petri also is a good WaPo columnist.

  2. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I look forward to a tweet (or ten) denouncing Chief Justice Roberts for not making the impeachment go away by banging his gavel. Because it takes a Jenius to antagonize the man who will soon preside over your trial.

  3. I like that poster so much, I think I’ll steal it.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    That’s worthy of becoming a plug in poster of the day for all the Republicon chickenhawks. Every time one of them opens their mouth sparking the urge to punch them in the face, instead plug their ugly mug into the billboard. Hang one each in front of the House and Senate, then hope the flickering faces blow the power to whatever mic they were about to use to hawk their st00pid.

  5. charles phillips says:

    I’m looking forward to the time when our Republican leaders are all men of Nixon and GWB’s ilk, and not the Orange Bozo’s hellspawn. THEN we’ll know that “reason” triumphed over chaos.

    Yes, the bar is really that low.

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    That’s from The Good Liars, the same group that snuck in some postcards into the Trump Tower gift shop. Ones that say things like “third president in history to be impeached”, with a pic of Trump smirking and giving thumbs up.

    Copies of that poster have been posted around the campus here, which is encouraging. Last week I had to address some low-level panic among undergrads. It seems that to get federal student loans, students have to also sign a statement about registering for the draft. Some of them thought it meant they were gonna be grabbed and sent off to an Iranian meat grinder.

    Too bad we could not have used that panic to get them to vote in November, preferably for a President who is less likely to have a brain wave on the toilet and decide to start WWIII.

  7. I will never encourage anyone to join the Army-Marines-or Navy.
    Join the AirForce to learn a skill while making sure the planes fly so rich political hopefulls can go get shot!! Until the congress is willing to join the army and get in front and scream ‘follow me’ I will avoid all war situations…I’m not getting shot at to protect the 1%-ers businesses!!!

  8. Used to work with a colleague, at an airline and before we were in the air guard. He liked the air force, and other flying sqds, because only there would the enlisted person help the officers get into their chariots, strap them in, pat them on the helmet, and then we’d go get cafe and wait for the return.

  9. A younger vet (Iraq) had the idea that the adult children of lawmakers, cabinet secretaries, presidents, et al be automatically drafted and put on the ‘point of the spear’ if war is declared, thus making the politicians think twice or more before sending their kid into battle.

  10. The Surly Professor says:

    Tom the Dancing Bug has another enlistment poster yall might enjoy:

