If It Ain’t One, It’s The Other, And It’s Probably Both
All Republicans are nincompoops. They will steal the gold out of their grandma’s teeth.
The Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) concluded in a report made public on Monday that there is “substantial” evidence that Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-Miss.) misused campaign as well as official funds and used his office to help his brother in violation of House rules.
Yep, it’s a white guy from Mississippi. He charged his campaign $82,363 to use his lakeside property as a campaign headquarters. He was trying to sell the property and it needed sprucing-up. He also sent his staff to the property to oversee the maintenance and help with selling it.
And … he had his staff get his kids ready for camp and send them goodie boxes while they were at camp.
And … he helped his brother to upgrade his reenlistment code for the Navy.
And I’m sure there’s more. He’s being represented by, of course, a former a congressman.