If At First You Don’t Succeed, errr Secede

June 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you make a prediction, and it doesn’t get attention ….

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And correct the typos, Obsma.

Screen Shot 2014-06-25 at 9.23.15 PM


Thanks to Greg for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “If At First You Don’t Succeed, errr Secede”

  1. IronCelt says:

    So the author-publisher-paranoid dude is also too arrogant and miserly to hire a copyeditor before uploading his “opus”? Why does that not surprise me?

  2. “Obsma” must be his voodoo name. You know, when he’s casting spells to work his will on the country because Congress can’t get off its collective arse and do what’s necessary.

  3. How about “2016 The Next U. S. Presidential Election, You Moron.”

    It’s how we change Presidents by voting instead of by shooting. We’ve actually been doing it for a long, long time.

    BTW, note that the right-wingers lost the first Civil War. You may not want to go there.

  4. Read the reviews. Example:

    This could have been a good story…but the spelling, grammar and disjointed, sometimes contradictory flow make it look like it was written by a 3-time 4th grader. If you wanted to give the liberal elite the impression that we are all dumb hicks, mission accomplished.

    Evidently “Obsma” isn’t a misspelling. It’s disguised so we won’t know who he’s talking about!
    What’s scary is that some of the reviewers think the stories could be true, if “we” don’t wake up and stop what’s happening.
    I’d like to laugh, but it’s really depressing.

  5. Snake oil on paper! That’s all these dudes are good for!

  6. I have a Kindle.

    I could “borrow” this book for free.

    Uh…… No Thanks.

  7. Wa Skeptic says:

    Why do all these idiots who want to secede from the USA always put the American flag on the front cover of their books? Why not put their own flags up?

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    His editor still sucks, that is an improper use of a semicolon in the title.

  9. maryelle says:

    Apparently proofreading/editing is not a conservative skill set.

  10. austinhatlady says:

    Miemaw, I also have a Kindle and decided not to borrow, even for free.
    Ralph, good catch. Hadn’t looked closely at either title.

  11. “Apparently proofreading/editing is not a conservative skill set.”

    Well, we know spelling isn’t by looking at their signs. “Obama Muslin” was one of my favorites. Maybe it’s all that home-schooling.

    Whoops, I forgot “Obama is the Antchrist.”

    Dishonorable mention for “Respect Are Country- Speak English.”

  12. Teh Gerg says:

    The butt-ignorant lack of grammar is not the major problem here. It’s Obama Derangement Syndrome at its worst. The right-wing nut case who wrote this drivel is trying to pin the behavior of conservatives onto liberals, typical of hyperconservative paranoid peabrains. It’s not liberals who talk of secession, form private armies and militias, and carry out drills and war games in the backwoods, it’s nut case right-wing extremists.

    The other terrifying thing is the reviewers who think these books represent a plausible scenario for the future. Conservative lunacy makes me terrified for the future of our nation.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Is it the heat as summer begins? Sure seems the crazy are rasping up their level of crazy. Or, with the fall elections around the corner, their Obama Derangement Syndrome is overcoming what few brain cells that once minimally functioned.

    Please Dear Goddesses, no. Just no. Do not let the part-time resident Snowbilly Snookie and Scammer of Scottsdale hear about Ira and his repackaging tricks. She’d have another round of the Word Salad Tourette Tour Redux.

  14. legion357 says:

    Off topic on this post but on topic for the supreme court one.

    The supreme court ruled that the 35′ safety zone around around abortion clinics restricts free speech.

    OK, what about the half mile safety zone around political speeches, conventions ect. for protesters?

    Isn’t that the exact same thing? Doesn’t it also restrict free speech?

    Is not that the same thing as clearing the Texas Capitol (because of a unruly mob) exactly the same thing?

    IMO, the supreme court just opened a whole nother can of worms just to support the pro-life movement.
