I’d Pay For a Ticket To See That

August 30, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It seems that Lindsey Graham is angry at how Trump has treated the death of John McCain.

Graham also told “CBS This Morning” co-host John Dickerson that while he’s open to working with the president and will do “everything” he can to help the commander-in-chief, Mr. Trump’s past comments about the military hero bother him “greatly.”

“It pisses me off to no end, and I let the president know it,” Graham said.

I would have bought a ticket to that.

I can imagine Graham getting all snitty.  It would involved lots of finger shaking, head tossing, tippy toe stomping, back of hand against forehead, and eye rolling sarcasm.

Trump would be all arm crossing, chin disappearing, muttering, not goods, and no telling what biological sounds.

Hey, admit it – you’d watch.


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