Rare But Necessary Saturday Morning Cartoon

September 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


If you can’t read it, it says “Trump sends federal workers a little something extra in their pay.”

I hope they’re all registered to vote.


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0 Comments to “Rare But Necessary Saturday Morning Cartoon”

  1. I most certainly hope so too, and I hope fervently they will remember and go to VOTE. Additionally, I hope the orange slug continues to act like a fool and do more of these dastardly deeds to help cement in people’s memory just what a POS he is. THEN we can take the first steps to rebuild this country.

  2. It really irks me (as a former state worker) that government employees get so little respect from – everyone. Who fixes the roads, teaches students K through PhD, runs the libraries, the courthouses and the DMV? I used to hear students complain about state workers in class in a community college (which several were astounded to learn was a state funded institution- you mean our $2500/year tuition doesn’t cover this?)

    Ok, off to do something pleasant like can tomatoes. Have a good weekend all you in the beauty salon.

  3. When I worked for the feds this was normal. We were always a political football with some hack trying to make points. But I figured every time I prevented two airplanes from hitting each other, I had earned my keep.

  4. And currently with the GOP controlled legislature in Alaska, the State employees are getting the same sort of “present”. Whole departments have been stripped of personnel. I don’t know the state of cost of living raises, but those are probably small metal fasteners instead of money as well.

  5. While Dotard45 with the aid of his maladministration is busily dismantling our government, it is a bit of schadenfreude topped with irony that he has also dismantled the cadre of legal beagles around him. The biggest fool to ever occupy the Oval Office who will most need legal counsel has the least due to his own basket of character flaws. When Team Mueller throws down their final report(s), Donnie the Unarmed Idiot will be woefully unprepared. Orange Foolius is gonna get juiced.

  6. My wife retired from state employment. Dad from the military and Mom from federal civil service. Nothing but nothing enraged Mom more than the statement “Good enough for government work.” All of them were conscientious and hard working employees. The orange one couldn’t measure up to any one of them on their worst day. Dear Lord, I don’t use the word hate that freely, but I detest that SOB.

  7. The Law of Unintended Consequences may very well play out here, at least in this part of the country. Barbara Comstock’s (Rethug-Northern Virginia) reelection bid just took a hit. She was already facing a blue wave in November, but this is pounding nails in her coffin.

    Other Rethug Congresscritters around these parts are face-palming over this. Tee and then a Hee.

  8. Oh, yes, and after Dump has presented the richest in our country with huge payoffs under that tax “reform” bill.
    Wake up you dumbsters, he’s ripping all of us off.

  9. Chloe Bear says:


    “good enough for Government work”


    (idiomatic, humorous, disparaging, slang) not worth investing additional time on perfecting this thing


    Originated in World War II. When something was “good enough for Government work” it meant it could pass the most rigorous of standards. Over the years it took on an ironic meaning that is now the primary sense, referring to poorly executed work.

    I have also heard it originated years before when the railroad lines were being built. The work had to be perfect for the government inspectors to pass it hence the phrases.

    This administration could never pass.

  10. It would be enlightening if every government worker at every level of government stayed home on the same day. Would have to make an exception for hospital staff etc. but still it would be amazing how much wouldn’t get done….

  11. I hope you are right but sadly I cannot overestimate how much and how often people will vote against their own interests.
    Look at the military they voted for a war monger in 2000 and then bemoaned the fact that they were getting killed in a war but in 2004 they once again voted for the war monger while clutching their specious cloak of victimhood.
    Kansas has even had books written about their insanity in the voting booth.
    Business’s continue to line up behind the party of debt and recessions even while they are forced to close their doors because of thuglican policies.
    Or so called constitional police who rail and would attack federal enforcement personell in the forest service, fbi, ATF and others without realizing they were undermining their own safety.
    Women or people of color voting for thuglicans.
    These are not the sacrifice of people accepting that progress sometimes needs some sacrifice such as fishermen sometimes supporting restrictions today for future profits no these are the examples of ignorant fools responding to trigger words based upon conditioning to support bigotry, ignorance and hate in the misguided goal of protecting their, fantasy, of superiority while proving their stupidity and inability to reason.
    So much as I hope you are right I fear the political masochism of humanity is unlimited and reason is a rare commodity.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    K, easy on the military, please. Not all of us vote conservative or for Dubya. Don’t know what the Democratic to Republicon breakdown is. Might be higher on the conservative end among the brass, but I don’t know that for a fact, either.

  13. During 2016 election military voted by 2 to 1 for demented donnie.
    I remember the 2000 and 2004 election results were reported to be in the same ballpark or greater.
    Your position is similar to demented donnie claiming that saying african americans love him because kanye and other misguided souls have shown their masochism by supporting him.
    Worst mistake made was reducing the US military to a bunch of cut rate merc’s working for the yankee dollar.
    Does anyone challenge the idea that if military had draftees that we would have ever gone into Iraq or stayed in there and Afghanistan so long?
    Historicaly any country that has relied on merc’s and an ancestoral military cult has not done well.

    Off subject
    The Beto song is great – Where I heard it-

