I Want You To Meet a Guy Who Thinks About S-E-X Waaaaay Too Much
Okay, I realize it’s Montana and there’s not much to do in Montana except look at the sky.
But, for goodness sake, it seems like State Rep David Moore needs a new hobby.
Moore introduced a bill about proper attire.
The proposal would expand indecent exposure law to include any nipple exposure, including men’s, and any garment that “gives the appearance or simulates” a person’s buttocks, genitals, pelvic area or female nipple.
Personally, I think he just wanted to say “nipple” a whole bunch of times.
Then he decides to go a step further —
The Republican from Missoula said tight-fitting beige clothing could be considered indecent exposure under his proposal.
“Yoga pants should be illegal in public anyway,” Moore said after the hearing.
Moore said he wouldn’t have a problem with people being arrested for wearing provocative clothing but that he’d trust law enforcement officials to use their discretion. He couldn’t be sure whether police would act on that provision or if Montana residents would challenge it.
“I don’t have a crystal ball,” Moore said.
Honey, honey, honey, don’t fret about the crystal ball. Fret about not having a lick of sense.
First off, you know Montana is way too white when only beige clothing is indecent. Second off, I would think the police in Montana might have something better to do than drive around and arrest women on their way to yoga class.
Lastly, and most importantly, when Republicans talk about smaller government and getting government out of our lives, you know they’re just jacking with you, right?
Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.