I Think We Found The Re-Education Center the Republicans Keep Talking About

June 02, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ole Bubba and I went out to Enchanted Gardens this weekend just because it’s a wonderful place to go.  It’s pretty easy to find.  You go to the end of the earth and turn left.  Honey, this place is so far out in the country that they don’t get the Today Show until tomorrow.

We decided to drive around because there’s a golf course close by and we both own some golf clubs.  Driving along a clearly marked dead end road that looked kinda interesting, we stumbled upon Louie Gohmert’s worst nightmare.

Yeah, right.  I know an reeducation center when I see one.  This sucker had high fencing for about half a mile and then the road dead ended into this gate.

And it looks like they’ve already started the building to put all the confiscated guns in.

There were more teevee cameras than a presidential press conference and the gate was secure.  Real secure.  Four padlocks secure.

Hell, even Louie Gohmert and his secret powers of damn scary cannot get through 4 padlocks.

Now I’m not saying that you should tell Louie of Steve Stockman about this just to watch them go ape crap, but Lord knows they would if they saw it.

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