I Think I’m Going To Throw Up

June 27, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, the Trump administration got what it wanted.



Well, of course they do.


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0 Comments to “I Think I’m Going To Throw Up”

  1. This, along with Citizens United, has been the goal of the masters of the NSGOP universe all along. Abortion was just the smokescreen they used to get the rubes to vote for them.

    After they’ve lost everything they have, the rubes will blame the Democrats.

  2. charles phillips says:

    BFSMan, too true. It makes one weep for the Republic.

  3. this is just ONE of the things that the dump administration wants. they aren’t done yet!

  4. okie-dokie says:

    The conservatives won. Again. No surprise since they’ve gamed everything.

    This part of Tarrant county is an example of Gerrymandering.

    It is tempting to look up the procedure to unregister to vote.

    I’m getting close to retirement. Mrs Dokie is from an interesting tropical country.

  5. megasoid says:

    Manys the time I’ve been mistaken
    And many times confused
    Yes, and often felt forsaken
    And certainly misused
    Oh, but Im alright, Im alright
    Im just weary to my bones
    Still, you dont expect to be
    Bright and bon vivant
    So far a-way from home, so far away from home

    I dont know a soul whos not been battered
    I dont have a friend who feels at ease
    I dont know a dream thats not been shattered
    Or driven to its knees
    Oh, but its alright, its alright
    For we lived so well so long
    Still, when I think of the
    Road were traveling on
    I wonder whats gone wrong
    I cant help it, I wonder whats gone wrong

    – from American Tune

  6. megasoid says:

    So what will candidates say about this decision tonight? Will they say anything? Will someone express the venality of the GOP and strike some chord of disbelief and anger in the electorate for removing us from our constitutional right to select and choose?

  7. weakgrip says:

    it is a set-up for Roe V Wade. If the Democrats argue that this gerrymandering case should be overturned it is well and proper that the Republicans can overturn Roe V Wade

  8. megasoid says:

    That would in turn, be an endless argument of overturning of Citizens, AUMF, Foreign election interference, FEC fraud, FISA, privacy, emoluments clause, etc. Yes?

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    All is not lost. Read Justice Kagan’s dissent for guidance on how future lower court rulings may trend. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/18pdf/18-422_9ol1.pdf

  10. megasoid says:

    Thanks, I was feeling my FLUSTration churning up.

  11. Nah. Racial demographics will fire this bullet into THEIR foot, and as they lose districts, Dems will gerrymander the GOP into oblivion.
    NEVER produce a weapon that your enemy can use against you.

    Texas alone will turn the tide.
    Check the latest demographic trends.


  12. AlanInAustin ... says:

    When people say we’re a democracy, I correct them and point out we’re really a representative republic. Honestly right now I’m sure *what* we are….

  13. Grandma Ada says:

    Mega solid #5- you should read his lyrics to Wristband

  14. Opinionated Hussy says:

    In NC, however (one of the two cases the SCOTUS ruled on), there is a similar case in the state courts arguing that partisan gerrymandering is against the STATE constitution. It’s making it’s way to the state Supremes, who (we have fought hard to make sure) are mostly Dems. Our goal, of course, is non-partisan districting.

    We shall overcome.
