I Still Don’t Have a Favorite Yet

March 19, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Okay, I do not pick favorites this far out, but I thought you might want to see something in Texas that I haven’t seen on national news.

It’s a Beto crop circle.



It’s on a two acre plot about a mile north of the Austin airport.  It’s made with natural materials like sand, mulch, clay, rocks and pecan shells.  It is expected to last two weeks tops.

I thought it was kinda cool.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “I Still Don’t Have a Favorite Yet”

  1. Wait for it. The Republicans will say it was made by (illegal) aliens.

  2. Linda Phipps says:

    They have one for Trump at an unspecified location in Moscow: it’s made of mud, cow patties, used menstrual pads and devalued currency.

  3. Linda Phillips:

    And it is the biggest crop circle ever! It is big. Very, very big. In fact it is bigly. And beautiful. Did I mention beautiful. The most beautiful crop circle ever. And the biggest.

    It used the most beautiful materials and was very beautifully built by ladies of the night with bladder control problems.

    The crowds waiting to see this spectacle are the largest crowds ever. Larger than any crowds ever assembled in the history of the universe. Ever … Even Vladimir Putting came to see it.

    Don’t believe what the faux news says. Don’t believe the photographs. Believe me because I am not the enema of the people.

  4. apparently some repubs are very afraid of him if club-for-growth has already put out an attack ad

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    The 2020 field of candidates is a totally different universe than the 17+ all equally unqualified and odious Republicons in 2016. The pleasant surprise of the Democratic choices thus far has been the strong opening by Kirsten Gillibrand. That all of the declared candidates to date are contenders can be measured by the extreme concern trolling being launched by the snocilbupeR. Should the wishes of many remove Dotard45 from office making Mikey Dense the ‘incumbent,’ improves the odds on the 2020 Democratic win. Pence is a lackluster campaigner with the potential to lose his home state.

  6. If Pence becomes President, he’ll be primaried by some very ambitious Rethug, maybe Ivanka?

  7. Adam Eran says:

    From Peter Douche’s Liason:

    Beto checks all the boxes
    X Voted to deregulate banks
    X Loves AIPAC
    X Voted with GOP a lot
    X Campaigned for GOP rather than progressive Dems (like Biden…and got paid for it!)
    X Voted to fast track TPP
    X Broke No Fossil Fuel $ pledge
    X Didn’t back Medicare4All
    X Didn’t back FightFor15
    X Lost to Ted Cruz


  8. Opinionated Hussy says:

    jaime…..that needed a coffee alert….spit coffee all over my screen!

  9. e platypus onion says:

    It is absolutely amazing that simply changing crop genetics you can turn a bag of seed corn into the next Picasso. Must be the Round-Up, right?

    I just wonder how the corn knew Beto was going to run in 2020?
