I May Not Have Words, But Dan Patrick Does

June 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In response to the worst mass shooting in American history, Texas Lt. Governor tweeted —


Screen Shot 2016-06-12 at 11.14.02 AM


The responses can be seen here.

Tell me, Patrick, who is the terrorist?  The shooter or the man who stands and loudly applauds him?


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0 Comments to “I May Not Have Words, But Dan Patrick Does”

  1. That Other Jean says:

    Texas has my sympathy. Your Lieutenant Governor is a vile man.

  2. Crazy Quilter says:


  3. AlanInAustin says:

    Such a Christian man…

  4. Auntie BFly says:

    According to Texas Tribune, the facebook post (which was identical to the tweet) was taken down mid morning. Apparently Danny’s staff didn’t have the wherewithal to delete the tweet until a few minutes ago. The apology, if indeed one comes, should be interesting…

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    First, my sympathy to everyone feeling the losses in this most recent tragedy.

    My wrath to state legislatures and Congress for not passing sensible gun safety legislation. I ask NOT who wants an assault rifle, but who NEEDS one? 50 dead and 50 more critically wounded is not the result of a killer with a hammer or a vehicle.

    To the more guns are the ‘solution’ NRA and fiends, answer me this: in your scenario had everyone been armed and shooting how would you or LE identify the killer(s)? Seriously. Someone starts shooting, then you pull out your gun. So, I pull out my gun and shoot you because I have no way of knowing if you are part of the killer’s team. The police enter and shoot me. What transpires is more people with guns being shot.

  6. Steve The Returned says:

    Is anybody who knows anything about Dan Patrick in the least bit surprised by his sick response to this tragedy? It sure as hell doesn’t surprise me.

  7. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Auntie BFly – I happened to have another screen shot taken about 30 minutes before he took it down, so I exchanged it for the one I had posted earlier to show that he left it up until at least 11:00. I guess he was in church praying for God to smite down floozy women next time.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Patrick is a fecking wingnut! The ONLY shame is these SOBs is the wealthy can’t get all the wealth soon enough. I really, really, really ,really hate these bastards!!!

  9. If Dan Patrick’s. Post were true, someone would have smoked him long ago.

    I guess we just need all those Good Guys to start packing concealed automatic rifles.

  10. And he’ll be your next governor too!

  11. By proudly waving his hate flag, Dan Patrick is complicit in this insanity. It may not be what he thinks he is doing, but deep thought has never been one of his strong points.

  12. They do forget the first commandment when it comes to others, don’t they?
    As if a coward with a gun proves his point.

  13. maryelle says:

    The KKKristian right never got the memo about loving thy neighbor. They continue to spew the hate that they feel towards others who not exactly like they are. It is a tragedy that so many them have clawed their way into positions of influence and power. They create the mind-set which produces people who believe they have the right to kill and own as many assault rifles as they want. The Republican party has so damned much to answer for.

  14. “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”

  15. Carol Wyatt says:

    What a miserable excuse for a human being. I have a couple of thoughts:
    1) Once the backlash started, the cowardly weasel then LIED about the post
    2) Wonder if he tweeted something similar after the elementary school kids were mowed down?
    3) Anyone who subscribes to a religion teaching hatred and discrimination ought to be taking a hard look in the mirror today

  16. Larry Cross says:

    When the “good” Lt. Gov. meets his maker, She is going to throw all of his Biblical quotes right back into his face and send him packing to join the rest of his cohorts …. and he won’t be going through any gates, pearly or otherwise.

    Oh, and I truly hope and pray that God is indeed a Black Lesbian.

  17. My guess is the shooter was motivated by the same sentiments.

  18. Sandridge says:

    There is no difference between today’s extremist American (KKKristian) Taliban and the various extremist Islamist groups such as ISIL, Al Quaeda, the Taliban, etc. They all adhere to the same basic twisted fanatical beliefs.
    Dan (Loeb) Patrick is just another example of their sick ilk, albeit with a hi-vis, powerful position (duly elected by our batcarp crazy majority (spellcheck corrected the mistype to “maggoty”) TX VOTERS, hint hint=voters.

    That said, was watching ‘This Week’ with George Stepininit from SA chan 12, and the whole program was pre-empted with coverage of this massacre.
    The pre-emption continued through the Joel Osteen and John Hagee slots… But it came a screeching halt when the First Baptist program started, heheh; now we know who has the local clout, the friggin’ baptiss’.

  19. Lord help me because I’m about to say something that could be misconstrued as supporting dumb-ass Danny, but it wasn’t posted in response to the Orlando shooting. It was already staged as a regular Sunday hate message from Danny’s little god.

  20. Ottawa has a huge sinkhole, they can fill it in.

    Texas has Dan Patrick, a huge a&&hole. What can Texas do?

  21. R McCarty says:

    I’ve just completed sending an email to Texas’ Speaker of the House, Joe Strauss, demanding he immediately begin the process of impeaching Lt Gov Dan Patrick for his callous, biased and indifferent treatment of all Texans. They don’t answer the phones on Sunday, but I’ll be calling Joe Strauss’s office first thing Monday morning. In addition, these same suggestions are being posted on FaceBook pages. I humbly and respectfully propose y’all may want to consider doing the same things.

  22. Sandy Hook. Charleston. Now Orlando.
    NRA gun humper freedom ain’t free.
    Too bad it’s the rest of us that are paying.

  23. I wish Dan Patrick was more specific. If he meant Texas citizens get what they deserve when they vote for someone like him, I’d have to agree.

  24. He is following in the footsteps of his fearless leader, Trump CONGRATULATED himself for calling out Muslims! At times like this it helps me to remember that it is really Trump’s world and we are merely visitors to the Tone Deaf Towers they have created for themselves, a palace that sees only others.

    Thank goodness for POTUS, people like the folks at the world’s most dangerous beauty salon and its proprietor JJ, y’all restore my faith in humanity.

  25. Problem: Religious nut case with assault weapon and high capacity magazines kills over 50.

    Solution: Hyperventilate about ISIS.

    Let me know how that works out for you, America.

    PS – who knew AR-15 mags were so cheap? 30 round magazines only $12.99 (plus tax!) at Academy.


    Then again, the Aurura theater shooter used this 100-round mag. Quite a bargain should you want to maximize the carnage. Such a bargain, only $119.00.


  26. Dear Dan Patrick,

    So the obnoxious tweet was just a coincidence? Right.
    I bet you it was probably taken out of context as well.
    You poor thing. You’re so misunderstood.

    Not to tarnish your halo or anything, but you can go to Hell for lying.

    Oh yeah, you’re a Rethuglican. I guess that train left the station a long time ago.

  27. UmptyDump says:

    Patrick – the Apostle of Hate – is also the Apostle of Cowardice. He is too craven to stand by his original post and leave it up, being accountable for his vile proclamations.

  28. What an asshole! He needs to be removed from office. He is a complete embarrassment to the state of Texas! I hope he reaps what he has sown!

  29. Sandridge says:

    Those mags, and truckloads of ammunition, will now be sold out (again), probably by about Wednesday…
    Crap, my rural TX local Walmart only just began to have an ammo selection stay on the shelves. Shelves have mostly been bare since Obama’s election.

  30. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Patrick’s tweet is gone.

    I have a text for Patrick: “Judge not, lest ye also be judged, for with what measure ye judge, the same will be meted to you, full measure, pressed down and running over.”

    So, Danny boy, when you reap what you have sown–hatred, fear, and lies–don’t be surprised when your judgments come back on you full measure, pressed down and running over.

  31. Elizabeth Moon says:

    And I may have tweeted a few things about him.

  32. OK, here’s this. I have no idea what the hell he is talking about. Where i come from his bible quotes mean something totally different from what i think he wants to infer. Hence my confusion. Somebody better check him out to see if he is really a robot left here by a nasty mothership. And then decommission him by removing the Magic Widget that says and does all kinds of wacko things. No real human being with any kind of feelings would behave like this.

  33. Elizabeth Moon says:

    BTW, anyone know if Dan Patrick received any campaign money from NRA? If not, anyone know where I could look that up? @igorvolsky is ripping new ones in Congresscritters who took NRA money and voted against, for instance, a bill to keep guns out of known-terrorists’ hands.

    Less praying, more doing.

  34. Steve The Returned says:

    Gratifying to see how few are buying into Danny-boy’s lame excuse that the biblical quotation was innocently picked out a few days ago. Patrick has been spewing an endless supply of gay hatred for years, now. No reason to cut him any excuses, at this point.

  35. Linda Phipps says:

    The shooter has jihadist inclinations and a passionate hatred of homosexuals. However, the necktie sporting little dweeb Tucker Carlson has it all sewed up: it’s Obama’s fault.

  36. Linda Phipps says:

    I fear for all the law abiding Muslim people who will have to bear the brunt of Trumps self-appointed goons. At my school students (this is Elementary School!) had already voiced fear about their future here. Muslim, Hispanic, and even Asian.

  37. Patrick’s team claims it was a per-scheduled tweet sent at precisely 7:00AM as he does every Sunday and that the message was chosen before the shooting happened. Just an unfortunate coincidence. There is no time stamp on the tweet. so it is hard to verify. But if he does send a tweet at precisely 7:00AM every Sunday, I’d tend to believe the story.

  38. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    John M, a couple journalist friends and I are working on that right now. Here’s what we’ve found so far. It appears he does a pre-scheduled scripture tweet every Sunday morning. THey are at 8:30 and have a cut line of “Have a blessed Sunday.” From what we’ve found so far, they are uplifting scriptures. His post this morning was at about 7:00 am and was missing the usual cut line. However, like clockwork, another one was posted today at 8:30, with the cut line and uplifting nature. Kinda makes you go hummmm …. We have some more research to do to insure that none of his tweets were at 7:30 on any other Sunday and if any of them are missing the cut line.

  39. You have to wonder at the conundrum faced by good ole Christians like Danny boy. If these sinners reaped what they sowed, then the instrument of God’s retribution was a Muslim who pledged allegiance to Isis. I guess the Lord really does work in mysterious ways. One almost has to feel sympathy for the Herculean struggle required to wrap their halo’d heads around this logical nightmare………Wait, good ole Christians like Danny boy……logic? Guess I answered my own damn question. But isn’t it ironic that the tweet was a verse from Paul the apostle to the Galations, as quoted by Dan the APOSTATE from Houston?

  40. e platypus onion says:

    E Moon- NRA endorsed Patrick for Lt Goober but I cannot fond how much they gave him. They give him “A” grades every year.

  41. So what sins did the kids at Sandy Hook sow? Blaming the victims is despicable–just despicable.

    Bullets in automatic weapons will kill gays and kindergartners alike. We need to start assigning some blame to those who allow automatic weapons to be put in civilian’s hands. It’s about time for the NRA and Patrick to do some reaping.

  42. I wonder if Patrick realizes that in this case he is climbing in bed with ISIS. Patrick’s form of fundamentalist Christianity is not so different at its core.

  43. e platypus onion says:


    Here is some condolences from pols who have accepted money from the NRA/SS.

  44. two crows says:

    My condolences to the families of those killed. And to the injured and their families. Our nation is [turning into?] one of terrorists. Thank you, NRA and “Christians.”

    I followed the link and the non-apology is exactly what was expected: a denial. A claim that the tweet was designed last Thursday. So it took 3 days to post a tweet. How efficient his office is.

    And seriously? To what was the governor responding, last Thursday, please? He doesn’t say. I daresay he cannot explain what his tweet was in reference to because we all know the answer to that.

    Not only is he an out-and-proud bigot, he’s not even a good liar.

  45. two crows says:

    I rarely watch TV during the day and spend little time on Facebook and such, so I hadn’t heard about this till this post.

    So I turned on the TV and, in and among this news, what to my wondering eyes did appear? A call for Florida to “update” it’s gun legislation from “concealed carry only” to “open carry.”

    Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up.

    And to think I moved here from Missouri. From the frying pan into the fire.

  46. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, all the usual suspects blowing the same smoke to the usual location.

    Debbo provided a great link to the facts which is reference material for contacting our Congress critters with why we are DONE with their phony excuses. https://goo.gl/PSNxLP

    Write, call, e-mail & tweet your representatives until they “get” that we sane folks out number the NRA and that we vote, too.





  47. I can’t read any of this and I can’t talk about this. I’m enraged and afraid.

  48. In my earlier post, I should’ve put quotation marks around the word sinners. I was saying what I presume Dan was inferring. To me, the only thing that makes Sandy Hook more tragic is the age of the victims.

  49. If there really is a god, and he is as powerful as his followers claim, and he’s still letting jerks like Dan Patrick be his spokesmen, I think I’ll try my luck without him.
