I Love Yew, Texas

May 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Republicans are a fun bunch.  Their state convention is scheduled for this weekend in Dallas.


Jared Woodfill

There’s a guy named Jarred Woodfill running against incumbent Republican State Party Chairman Tom Mechler.  Woodfill is the former chairman of the Harris County (think Houston) Republican Party.

And what’s the issue in this loudly contested race?  Taxing?  Spending? Climate change? Education?  Jobs? Equally pay?

Of damn course not.

The issue is The Ho.Mo.Sex.U.Als.

The race for chairman of the Texas Republican Party has spawned charges that the party’s current leader, Tom Mechler, supports a “disgusting homosexual agenda.”

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He even sent out a mailer to all the delegates about it.  Woodfill claims that Mechler is disgusting because he (1) allowed the Log Cabin Republicans to have a booth at the convention, (2) did not get properly outraged about bathrooms in this time of bathroom outrage, and (3) did not move the convention from Dallas, a well-known ho.mo.sex.u.al haven.

Up until this minute, I did not know that Dallas was a gay prom date dream destination.  Let’s see, Houston has had a wildly popular gay mayor recently so that’s out.  San Antonio is where the Godless Democrats are meeting. Fort Worth has school superintendents who love all God’s children. Corpus Christi has way too many Mexicans.  You know, that doesn’t leave any cities with a convention center.  I mean, they could have their convention in Lufkin but I doubt that the Super 8 and the Day’s Inn have big enough meeting rooms to accommodate that much hate, although I am certain that they have No Gays Allowed signs preprinted and ready to go.

I suspect there will be a tent revival on the agenda and I’ll keep you informed best I can without actually going there or even looking straight at it.


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