I Love Yew, East Texas

June 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Welcome to Waksom, Texas, deep in the heart of East Texas – the land of pines, poverty, and pentecostals.

Waksom has a population of 2,068 contained in 790 households. Males had a median income of $29,625 versus $18,859 for female and 24% of the city lives below the poverty line

This is the Waksom city council.



The guy in the middle is the mayor but he doesn’t vote unless it’s to break a tie.

These five white old men declared Waksom “a sanctuary city for the unborn.”  While there are currently no clinics performing abortions in Wakson nor plans for any, the men saw this as a preventative measure.

“Most likely we will wind up getting sued if this is passed,” the mayor, Jesse Moore, said. “It could go to the Supreme Court.”

That prospect would present fiscal challenges for the city, lawmakers acknowledged.

“We don’t have the possible millions of dollars that it would take to take it to that level,” said alderman Jimmy Dale Moore, who nevertheless voted for the ordinance. “We can’t pay those kind of attorney’s fees. The city don’t have the money.”

Honey, you don’t have enough money for everybody to eat every damn day, so wouldn’t it be cheaper and easier just to quit getting women pregnant.

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