Hey, Hey, Don’t Get Too Upset About Kellyanne.

June 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know that the US Office of Special Counsel is recommending that Kellyanne be removed from office for violations of the Hatch Act.

But, do not worry about her.  She can always get a job as the greeter at Joe and Hank’s All American Hot Dog Company.



Or in the chorus of the Nutcracker every Christmas.


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0 Comments to “Hey, Hey, Don’t Get Too Upset About Kellyanne.”

  1. Panthercityhorn says:

    That’s the adult revision of the Bluebird uniform my sister wore back in the 60’s. She has nothing to fear violating the Hatch act or any other law since it is up to her boss, Herr Twitler, to discipline her. Interesting that her husband, George Conway, is one of Trump’s most outspoken critics and has not weighed in on this continued violation of the law by his spouse. Survival instinct perhaps??

  2. slipstream says:

    “If you’re trying to silence me through the Hatch Act, it’s not going to work,” Conway added. “Let me know when the jail sentence starts.”

    Law? Who cares about the law??

  3. Her boss doesn’t obey the law so why should she?
    As long a spineless nancy keeps running scared from the big bad thugs and won’t start impeachment why should she worry?

  4. She gets canned and will write a tell-all book. Then she’ll get a sinecure at a conservative law firm.

    No matter how cynical i get, I can’t keep up.

  5. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I think Ted’s right. She’s not young and/or pretty enough for Fox Noise.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Surely there’s some video of Michael Flynn demanding a “lock her up” for Kellyanne.

    Mare and Pear Conway should have been locked up years ago for stalking the Clintons. Hilz was neither wrong nor paranoid when she referenced the “vast right wing conspiracy” that was after she and the Big Dog.

  7. charles phillips says:

    For violating the Hatch Act, Fat Donnie can pardon her. In fact, if she can shown she’s committed even worse federal crime, Fan Donnie could still pardon her without raising a sweat.

    However, if she violates a state law, say, jaywalking, she could get life in prison without parole. By the time it winds its way through state and then federal courts, she’d look like crap served on avocado toast.

  8. Just heard. Sarah Sanders is out. End of month!

  9. thatotherjean says:

    @ maggie: Didn’t we hear that months ago, but she couldn’t find another job, so she stayed on?

  10. It’s the red gloves.
    They really tie the outfit together.

    It’s like the rug which tied the room together for the Dude, but Kellyanne pulls it off vertically.

  11. Teh Gerg says:

    Smellyanne Conwoman won’t be that easy to get away from. If nothing else, FoxProp will hire her as another on-air resident liar.

  12. slipstream says:

    Rick: those gloves were white, before she ripped the heart out of everything true and decent.

  13. Barr asks Pelosi if she brought handcuffs. Conway jokes about possible jail time. That wedding planner person too. These so called public servants are openly flouting the law and mocking those who hold them to account. I vote we give them what they so richly deserve. Put those three plus Mnuchin and the IRS chief all in the capitol jail cell together. Treat them the way the admin treats families at the border. Difference is those seeking refuge are not criminal.

  14. Mary Smith says:

    She’s not getting fired. She’s not leaving. Drump says the Hatch Act doesn’t apply to her because it violates her free speech right. It does apply to every other federal employee, especially FBI agents, but then so what. The law is for losers.

  15. I heard that Sarah Sanders is going to be a greeter at the WalMart in Little Rock so she can tell old and poor people that they are burdens on society.

  16. Lunargent says:

    Buttermilk Sky @#5 –

    Hey, not all Faux female commentators are young and pretty. “Judge” Jeanine Pirro was born in 1951, and looks every day of it. Her dulcet, frequently slurred tones sound like an amplified recording of a car driving over broken glass. Every time I’m exposed to one of her batshit rants, I pray for the sweet release of death or deafness. So KellyAnne would definitely have a shot there. At least she’s “blonde”.

    I actually think that jail might be the best thing that could happen to KA. Maybe she’d finally get some rehab.

  17. Gary Halter says:

    The really stupid thing about the Conway violation of the Hatch Act is that Trump could switch her to funds not covered under the Hatch Act and the problem would be solved. He wants to project the image that he is above the law. likes playing that game, projecting that image.

    The free speech claim is bull shit. Government employees at all levels give up some rights as a condition of employment. This claim simply is another example of how little this man knows about government.
