I Had To Walk Ten Miles To School in Eight Feet of Snow Uphill Both Ways
Kentucky Republican Governor Matt Bevin ain’t puttin’ up with all this weakness in America. No, siree.
He went on the electric radio to preach good old American hardness.
Bevin was disdainful of several school districts in Kentucky closing school today during the polar votex. He kept saying over and over, “We’re getting soft,” and wondered out loud, “What’s happening to America?”
I dunno, Matt, the worst weather in a generation?
“Now we cancel school for cold,” he said.
“It’s deep freeze!” the host replied. “This is serious business.”
Bevin scoffed at the forecasts. “Come on, now,” he said. “I mean, there’s no ice going with it, or any snow.”
Actually, there was snow in parts of Kentucky. Oh, but he wasn’t finished.
… it does concern me a little bit that in America — on this and any number of other fronts — we’re sending messages to our young people that if life is hard, you can curl up in the fetal position somewhere in a warm place and just wait until it stops being hard,” he said.
I looked for pictures of Bevin out standing at a bus stop this morning when it was zero degrees with a heavy wind. It’s a shame I couldn’t find any.
By the way, “Bevin, who was born in Colorado and grew up in New Hampshire, attended the Gould Academy, a college preparatory school in Bethel, Maine, where annual tuition for boarding students is now $61,350.”
Isn’t that nice? And soft? And a place to curl up?