I Gotta Get One of These

November 27, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Thanks to Kary for the heads up!

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0 Comments to “I Gotta Get One of These”

  1. Brilliant. I don’t want to open this wonderful person to trolling but can we know the general area of the country this is?

  2. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    The cool guy who sent it to me (Kary, of course) said it was Texas. I could not find factual evidence that it was NOT Texas, so I’m sticking with Texas, too.

  3. Leave it to a Texan to insult cockroaches!

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    If you buy one get one for me tooooo!

  5. Quite a flair for the expository.

    Randy Rainbow NEW – reposted for anyone who missed it.

    He’s Just a GURL Who’ll QUID PRO QUO! – NSFW


    SNL –

    Thanksgivies – Honoring Outstanding Performance in Ruining Thanksgiving

    Ann Hathaway nominated for: “Red Wine Freestyle.”


  6. Change “get the hell off my property” to “get the hell off my bumper” and that’s a winner for a bumper sticker, too.

  7. Same Sh*t Different Decade – Some thanksgiving grace

    Watergate shows unwavering devotion to Trump will not end well for ‘all the president’s men’

    Edit: Vanity Fair journalist Kevin M. Kruse, making a Watergate/Trump comparison, asserts that Watergate offers some history lessons for Trump loyalists.

    Kruse, in a Vanity Fair article published on November 27, writes that during the impeachment inquiry presently taking place in the U.S. House of Representatives, “Trump loyalists” have “lashed themselves to the presidential mast” — and Kruse stresses that “if Watergate is an American parable, most of them will go down too.”

    “Richard Nixon avoided prison time thanks to a pardon, but all the president’s men weren’t so lucky,” Kruse recalls. “Four dozen were convicted of criminal charges, and about half did time — including Nixon’s chief of staff, White House counsel, top advisers and attorney general. Some of Trump’s inner circle, including his lawyer and his campaign manager, are already locked up. Odds are, they won’t be the last.

    ”Looking back on the events of 1974, Kruse recalls that Nixon had his share of loyalists who were with him until the bitter end — and they paid a price for it in the 1974 midterms. Trump loyalists, Kruse emphasizes, are foolish to overlook that history lesson.

    “Republicans lost 48 seats in the House that fall, with many of the president’s most vocal defenders among them,” Kruse recalls. “Take Indiana Rep. Earl Landgrebe.”
    Landgrebe, Kruse remembers, infamously declared his unwavering loyalty to Nixon in August 1974, asserting, “Don’t confuse me with the facts: I’ve got a closed mind. I’m going to stick with my president even if he and I have to be taken out of this building and shot.”

    Kruse says of Landgrebe, “He wasn’t shot, but voters killed his political career with a humiliating loss that fall.”

    read more:

  8. Thanks but no thanks:

    Edit: “We will never let Donald Triump get his hands on our NHS.”

    ‘Their Secret Agenda Today Is Exposed’: Corbyn Says Leaked Trade Docs Show Tory Plan to Privatize NHS With Trump’s Help
    The U.K. Labour leader said the move, if successful, “could lead to runaway privatization of our health

    Watch Corbyn spill the beans in the video:


  9. Wish I’d had a camera when I saw this on the back of a pickup truck in Maine—”If you still support Trump, stay at least 500 feet behind me. I don’t trust your judgment.”

  10. Scotty in Indiana says:

    Kevin M. Kruse, mentioned previously, is a professor of American history at Princeton. His field of study is our variety of conservatism, and he has entirely too much fun demolishing them. His Twitter account is generally a hoot because they consistently try to take him on and merely exemplify the Dunning-Kruger effect. Or, in Dinesh D’Souza’s case, either a complete inability to learn or some deep seated masochism issues.

  11. that is worth framing and hanging on my wall! I want one! As for Professor Kruse, He is what grandma used to call “a kindred spirit”. She would’ve liked him. I sure do!
