I Can *Almost* Understand This
CNN Headline that’ll scare the flip outta you.
I can almost understand why this is.
You can’t have a plan with Trump. Remember the paper towel thing with Trump in Puerto Rico? He didn’t think of that distribution method until he got there and when he saw that it worked, he just kept at it at it and at it. When he left, he was convinced that the best distribution method was to just start throwing food at the hungry people. Genius. Pure genius.
Hell, here’s a guy still trying to convince people that doctors are making up all these deaths to jack up their bills. Why give a vaccine for something that doesn’t exist?
You expected a plan? Really?
I got my first vaccine yesterday, Bubba got his two weeks ago. We got on teevee news about how come I didn’t get one but he did. I said just luck of the draw. I wanted to say that he used all the power of an associate district court judge in a small county to outrank me, but then we remembered that some people do not have a sense of humor. If you took all the power of all the associate district court judges and put it together you might could light a 40 watt light bulb but I wouldn’t count on it during a hurricane. So if I said it, some fool would be believe it.
You would think that after all these years, I would quit getting nasty emails complaining that I really shouldn’t call myself a beauty salon because I don’t offer beauty services. I think I told the last person who sent me an email about it to bring herstupidself over here and I’d punch her in the face and God Almighty that would be beautiful.
Did I ever tell you about the time I named some joint the Brazos River Yacht Club and Bait Camp and people really thought there was a yacht club on the Brazos River. Honey, the Brazos River is a glorified drainage ditch, but nooooooo … they didn’t get the joke.
We’re talking about plans here. I’m sorry. I just got lost here because … plans. We need plans.