Hummmm … Kinda Make You Wonder What They Want To Say

July 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a rule in the Texas Election Code that says a general purpose political committee (GPAC) must file a designation of treasurer with the Texas Ethics Commission and take donations from ten people and then wait 60 days before they are allowed to spend more than $500 on a candidate.  (Section 253.037(a) for you writ twits)

I suspect that the reason for the law is to keep some secretly funded previously unknown group from funding an attack against a candidate and not releasing any of their donors until after the election.  You know, that whole transparency and public’s right to know stuff that Republicans hate.

A whole bunch.

So much so, that a group calling themselves the Catholic Leadership Coalition of Texas has filed an unsuccessful injunction and then  an emergency appeal to overturn this law, explaining that they want to spend a bundle on the Texas Republican senate seat race.

Early voting started yesterday and the election day is July 31st.  The Catholic Leadership Council is claiming it’s a violation of their free speech not to be able to blindside one of the two candidates – David Dewhurst (a rightwing nut case) or Ted Cruz (a roll in the grass, rock chunkin’, hallelujah shouting rightwing nutcase).

“We have been very careful to follow all the campaign rules and do things right. I was shocked when I found out that even after we registered a political committee with the state, we still wouldn’t be able to publicize our endorsements before the runoff election,” said Phil Sevilla, the president of the TLC. “We feel very strongly about getting our message out in time, and now we may have to wait to do that.”

Well, geeez Phil, this ain’t a new law and I am certain that if you think about it for a couple of … I dunno, seconds? … you’ll come to understand that this rule might be the only decent thing on the books  in the Texas Election Code.

And then there’s Judge Sam Spark’s wise order denying the injunction against the State of Texas by the Catholic leadership Council.

In this case, just as the second element follows the first, the fourth element follows the third. The chaos created by an upheaval in Texas election law immediately before major elections would directly and substantially disserve the public’s interest in fair, efficient, and orderly elections.  Further, it bears noting that this crisis was manufactured in large part by TLC and its choice to wait approximately eight months before creating a political committee. Neither Texas’s government nor its voters should have to bear the costs associated with TLC’s indolence.

And while I thank Judge Sparks for reminding the Catholic Leadership Council that with Leadership comes responsibility, I have to admit that I am very curious about what they wanted to say at the very last minute that was so darned important.  I bet it was dirty. Oh, come on, you know it was, too.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Hummmm … Kinda Make You Wonder What They Want To Say”

  1. Sht Mike in Commerce says:

    @JJ: not on topic exactly, but Judge Sparks is one rocking jurist. I read his slip opinions and such with glee cause you never can tell when he will wax poetic or bitchslap a non-performing counsel or both.

    Once can read the whole thing here,+LLC+v.+Stanley+A-03-CA-871-SS&hl=en&as_sdt=2,5&as_vis=1&case=1940243551778254161&scilh=0
    but here is his first paragraph. Rockin’
    “When the undersigned accepted the appointment from the President of the United States of the position now held, he was ready to face the daily practice of law in federal courts with presumably competent lawyers. No one warned the undersigned that in many instances his responsibility would be the same as a person who supervised kindergarten. Frankly, the undersigned would guess the lawyers in this case did not attend kindergarten as they never learned how to get along well with others. Notwithstanding the history of filings and antagonistic motions full of personal insults and requiring multiple discovery hearings, earning the disgust of this Court, the lawyers continue ad infinitum.” And it goes on and on before he denies the present motion.

    And the best tastiest part is Bush 41 nominated him. Rock on Judge!

  2. I am also trying to figure out who they want to support. This groups wants to endorse either Ted Cruz or David Dewhurst and are willing to sue to overturn Texas law to do so. Both Dewhurst and Cruz are nutcases and I am not sure why it is so important for this group to endorse either candidate before this runoff.

  3. Sam in Kyle says:

    They don’t have to follow the rules on healthcare; they don’t follow the rules about reporting sexual abuse; they try hard not follow laws and ethics concerning women; is it any wonder that Catholic leadership thinks they should have rights no one else has?

  4. Robert Leduc says:

    Heh, heh: indolence. Sloth is one of the 7 deadly sins. In this case, it is a sin that is its own punishment. Or as I say to my kids: “natural consequences”.

  5. Bo Leeyeau says:

    Their web site makes it clear that they are a layman organization and their president is a SA physician with a stake in ACA, as well as socialism and how Christians are getting screwed etc. Local Tea Party seems to love ’em. Betcha they wanted to “blindside” David Dewsmirk

  6. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    That last line about talking dirty reminded me of a line from a song — all I remember is this one line that says “Talk dirty, turn me on, let’s get goin’.”

    I’m sure that the dirty talk from the Catholic leadership would be a hoot and then some.

  7. Whatever TLC wants to say, they obviously want to say it at the last minute so the opponent won’t have time to respond. I’m glad Judge Sparks explained the facts of life to them, but it would be very interesting to know what the dirty talk is.

  8. penelope roberts says:

    catholic leadership eh? are they paying taxes because if they aren’t, then they are in violation of their tax exempt status.

    we need to sic the irs on them.

  9. You KNOW someone in SA knows and ain’t tellin’! When will they come clean with the dirt?
