How Trump Spent Yesterday, the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

September 12, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Qanon, Trump

Yesterday, notable public figures paid their respects at solemn ceremonies at Ground Zero, Shanksville PA, and the Pentagon to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  At ground zero, the Bidens, Obamas, and the Clintons were all present plus Schumer, Pelosi, Bloomberg and other well known public figures.  Bruce Springsteen even played and sang at the ceremony.  GWB & Laura, along with Harris attended the Shanksville ceremony, and Biden later stopped there and laid a wreath at the Pentagon late in the afternoon.

The glaring absence? Trump.  A spokesperson for the 9/11 Museum and Memorial confirmed to the NY Times that all former presidents were provided the same information about the ceremony, but Trump mercifully didn’t show.  How did he spend his day remembering 9/11?  Indeed he was also in New York, but he spent his day releasing statements attacking Biden about Afghanistan and playing some of his greatest Oldies, then visited a NYPD precinct and a firehouse, where he continue talking about himself and Rudy Giuliani and attacking Biden.

After, Trump was scheduled to address a religious rally virtually on the National Mall in DC called Let Us Worship led by religious nut and anti-government activist Sean Feucht, whose security team has included at least one of the insurrectionists charged in the January 6th attack on the Capitol as his security team.  I haven’t heard how that went, and actually don’t care.

Keeping it classy to the end, Trump finished his day commemorating 9/11 by…wait for it… guest hosting a Pay Per View boxing event with Jr. at a casino in Hollywood Florida hired by Triller, a social media competitor to TikTok.  The fight night included a “professional match” between 58 year old Evander Hollyfield and some mixed martial fighter. Oscar De La Hoya had been scheduled to fight, but is hospitalized with COVID.  Hollyfield was a last minute addition, and the results were as you might expect.  The event really wasn’t a fight night, it was really a publicity stunt by Trump for Trump, as the crowd at the casino was waving printed signs saying “Bring Back Trump” and “Trump Won”.  Watchers also participated in a live chat where viewers floated QAnon conspiracy theories, insults about Hunter Biden, etc, etc.  Since the entire evening was the cheesiest of cheesy, Trump, the King of Tacky, was right at home commemorating one of the most solemn days in modern US history.

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0 Comments to “How Trump Spent Yesterday, the 20th Anniversary of 9/11”

  1. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Isn’t it ironic that the people who think elections are fake also think wrestling is real?

  2. You can sum the Trump family up in one word: trashy. (Except for Mary)

  3. Mary O'Grady says:

    Tfg also did a speaking gig for what’s left of the Moonies yesterday. Newt Gingrich and Dan Quayle were also on that event’s schedule.
    You can’t make this stuff up.

  4. Well, say what you want to about Cheeto, but you can’t deny one thing –

    He’s consistent.

  5. Isn’t it a good thing that the MSM pretty much ignored Trump?

    If they are doing the right thing, send a videographer or two to cover the events but stow the files away for later reference if ever needed. Sure as shooting Trump is going to lie about it later (millions attended or something) and it should be refuted.

    Beyond that, ignore him.

  6. I’m so glad domestic terrorists Rudy ‘Mr. 9-11’ Giuliani and twice impeached president Trump did not show up to ruin this solemn event!

  7. Why can’t he just go away?

  8. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Well, we all know that if Robert E Lee had had charge of the airports during the Revolutionary War, 9/11 never would have happened. So there’s that.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    His orangeness is still pouting because no one backed him up about seeing Muslims on rooftops cheering the al-qaeda terrorists flying into the twin towers. I’m glad he didn’t show up but instead showed Americans just how small he is.
    And while he didn’t see 1/6/2021 as a day his supporters terrorized the capital, we have that on film. Domestic terrorists as GWB correctly pointed out.

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    Even Shrub reminded us that domestic terrorists and foreign terrorists are brothers. I’m sure that went over the heads of the Old Pretender and his sheeple.

  11. If Trump didn’t keep doing his shtick, would some Trumpist nutcake off him for being a traitor?

    Would it permanently break the Irony Meter?

  12. Sorry Ormond, the irony meter is already permanently broken. It was run thru the ultimate shredder this weekend when “Justice” Amy C. Barrett gave a speech at the McConnell Center (yes, *that* McConnell) at the University of Louisville, in which she “expressed concerns Sunday that the public may increasingly see the court as a partisan institution.”

    And no, that’s not from Borowitz or The Onion.

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Remember the man in “A Christmas Carol” who says he’ll go to Scrooge’s funeral only if lunch is provided? Trump is available for memorial services only if he’s paid. He wanted the presidency to monetize it and he’ll never stop.
