Funny How That Works

September 13, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Justice Amy Coney Barrett had some less than even mildly insightful thoughts this weekend …

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett expressed concerns Sunday that the public may increasingly see the court as a partisan institution.

Justices must be “hyper vigilant to make sure they’re not letting personal biases creep into their decisions, since judges are people, too,” Barrett said at a lecture hosted by the University of Louisville’s McConnell Center.

Due to the fact that she was speaking at the McConnell Center and was introduced by Mitch McConnell, we can only assume that irony was pronounced dead at the scene. Irony was survived by his wife, Ms. What The Hell.

Are all Republicans secretly working for The Onion now?



I guess she was talking about the other justices.


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0 Comments to “Funny How That Works”

  1. thatotherjean says:

    How is it even possible to respond to that? “No sh*t, Sherlock?” Amy Coney Barrett appears to be obliviousness, personified.

  2. Honorary pallbearers for Irony included Citizens United and The Voting Rights Act of 1965.

  3. Irony? Self awareness? Amy just shot the QOP projectionist.

  4. MAY???? ROFLMAO!

  5. The Hubs read about this this morning and said, “That’s why The Onion is dead.”

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    I just listened to the Al Franken’s podcast with Sheldon Whitehouse. The subject was dark money influences in SCOTUS. This little speech of ACB is just a cute little whitewash.

  7. Even Irony’s wife Ms. What The Hell is on her deathbed. She and her husband are survived by their son, Nothing To See Here, Folks and daughter Move Along Now.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    She wouldn’t tailor her speech to her audience would she? They of course believed she was talking about the liberal leaning justices, and not herself, or brett, or clarence. And they would be right, far right. And certainly mitch would never obstruct the senate so that a non-conservative justice might get a hearing and a vote. Why would the majority of Americans think the court is a partisan sham?
    Their recent rulings on voting rights and women’s rights to choose were not partisan. Huh? Roe v Wade will be her chance to prove otherwise but I think we all know how that will turn out. To think the likes of brett kavanaugh and clarence thomas will be deciding women’s rights is extreme sad irony. Hope this all comes back to bite the right at the ballot boxes. Our only hope.

  9. Amy Coney Barrett was on Trump’s short list of potential conservative crowd pleasing Supreme Court nominees.
    She was chosen because of the biases and preferences she already displayed.
    The conservative Republican Senate rammed through her confirmation, after stonewalling Merrick Garland who was deemed too centrist. Perhaps too objective & unbiased?

    But sure, now, let’s listen to Judge Amy claim she’s what Garland was all along, and that an unbiased opinion is exactly what’s needed on the court.

  10. Hairynation . says:

    There’s a obvious shortage of what I call HONORABLE men in politics and now the same in women are coming forward.
    One immediate solution to a problem would be to split the 9th
    into 3 circuits and the h*ll with all the whining and bellyaching
    that will follow.

  11. Did anybody ask Justice Merrick Garland about the balance of SCOTUS? Oh wait . . . .

  12. I’ve always been totally confused by women Catholics and gay Republicans. As a gay atheist….WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  13. Have no need of her ever since I learned that she took all her children with her to the super spreader event at the White House. Yes, she already had COVID and exposed her kids to it, but still there was no such thing present as social distancing, masks, etc. etc. She does not know what she is talking about in any subject.

  14. e platypus onion says:

    Bar Rat and Kavernmouth both committed perjury in their Senate confirmation hearings. She is not qualified to have her lifetime seat except for being a magat ideologue.

  15. “Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett expressed concerns Sunday that the public may increasingly see the court as a partisan institution.”

    It’s not that she’s blind to the partisan nature of the Roberts Court – she just doesn’t want the public to wake up to this fact.

  16. Partisan Hack Denies Being Partisan Hack in front of Her Puppet Master.
    In other news, sun sets in west.

  17. Irony is wasted on the stupid.
    Oscar Wilde

  18. Dear JJ,
    I think with this post of yours I can officially say, “Welcome back!”
    It is so hilariously funny and so goddamn sad that the GOP has gone full Animal Farm. To think it all began decades ago with referring to huge tax breaks for the rich as relief for Middle Class Families.

  19. My advice is to batten down the hatches because, as history shows, the conservatives always talk about a deep abiding desire for civility and even handedness right before they toss civility to the wind and wholeheartedly commit to some outrageously bogus shit.

    This is the political equivalent of the head-fake left before going right in the NBA.

    There is going to be a storm.

    That McConnel and various right wing institution were involved tells you this is not a personal, or individual effort. This was planned well in advance and carries the full weight of the GOP political machine.

    So expect a violent storm that is going to last a very long time and rattle every household. This is going to be huge.

    Have those storm sails handy, Check to see that the bilge pumps work. Put in the storm-boards and lash down everything because we are in for a storm that is going in the record books. Hope to see you, and democracy, on the other side.

    May Dog have mercy on us all.

  20. G Foresight says:

    RE: 19 “storm”

    The 9-18-2021 “Justice for J6” right winger rally in DC is intended to demand “justice” for those charged in the Capitol insurrection riot of 1-6. The Capital security forces are better prepared it is claimed. Fencing will go up around the Capital building.

    Sounds like a healthy democracy, right?

    Ironically, 9-18 is also officially “Batman Day.”

    “The fight for justice goes global to honor the enduring legacy of the iconic Super Hero on Batman Day, Saturday, September 18, 2021….DC and Warner Bros. will recognize the iconic character’s longevity and impact across comics, film, television, and more, with a massive collection of partnerships, special releases and initiatives in honor of the Dark Knight.”

    The Batman image of a moody billionaire industrialist fighting against evil seems somehow quaint in the age of Bezos, Branson, Musk etc.

    Regardless, the option is to keep up the fight for Democracy in any event.

    Headline: “Are we the sheep?”: Frustrated QAnon followers baffled that Newsom recall is headed for failure” in CA.

    Anarchists detest democracy.

  21. G4@20. Today’s GOP ain’t down with democracy. They seem to think we need “Philosopher Kings “ in charge to control us common trash. With themselves named Kings. I’ve always thought Plato had his tongue firmly in cheek when he did Republic. And we all missed the sarcasm.

  22. Agree 100% with y’all, especially Art @19.

    Of course the Raving Rufous Ratbastard is crazy, or senile, or just hyper-narcissistic.
    But his controllers, handlers and minions [the Rethugs and Putin] are not, they know exactly what they are doing.
    This amusing, but dead serious, conversation needs to be put up everywhere, even billboards and 15 second teevee spots [is there audio?]:

    “Pelosi: Who knows what he might do? He’s crazy. You know he’s crazy. He’s been crazy for a long time. So don’t say you don’t know what his state of mind is. He’s crazy. And what he did yesterday is further evidence of his craziness.
    Milley: Madame Speaker, I agree with you on everything.”

  23. charles r phillips says:

    Am I alone in thinking it’s more than a little creepy for Mitch to be seated so close to Justice Barrett? Was he thinking she’d need a spine-stiffener to properly parrot her talking points?

    Spoiler Alert: she didn’t, mores the pity.

  24. YELLOWSTONE says:

    In April of this year, Barrett got a $2 million advance from a conservative publisher for a book she is writing about how non-partisan the court is. From my perspective, this is nothing more than a bribe. I bet the GOP buys up all the copies.
