How To Know That Your Campaign Consultant is Ripping You Off

December 01, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a special election going on here for a State Senate seat.  It’s an open election – which is like a general election with more than one candidate from each party.  It’s a free-for-all.  There are three Republicans running and two Democrats (yeah, yeah, we tried to talk the second Democrat out of filing so we could unite behind one candidate and have a much, much better shot at making the run-off but nooooooo.).

Anyway, one of the candidate is Gary Gates, a man with far more money than good sense.  He’s run for office about 20 times and lost 26 times.

He loaned himself $100,000 to lose this race.

So, some damn sleazy political consultant is happy to oblige.  Here’s the deal.  Who would send an expensive ballot by mail application to the County Democratic Party Chairman (public information) who has already requested and received a ballot by mail for the entire year (public information)?




Now that’s some wasteful spending, my conservative friend.

Yeah, that’s Ron Paul endorsing him.

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