Bill Kristol Fell On His Head

December 01, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s my theory.  Bill Kristol was putting up lights on his roof to do his part to combat The War On Christmas.

He fell off the roof and landed on his head, which was promptly eaten by some damn anti-God liberal activist who thinks the Obama girls dress just fine.

The result was this:




Well, Golly, Bill.  The Republican Party has so many to chose from, but it’s probably you.

Besides, the Silent Majority ain’t so damn silent, which has revealed that they are obnoxious, mean, and totally detached from reason.

And how do I know that, you ask?

Well, it seems Ms Scientist is looking at the brains of people who still have theirs.

People who are more sensitive to the ideas of fairness and equity are driven by reason, not just passion, according to a recent University of Chicago study published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

It turns out that liberals are liberals because … ta da! … their brains respond to logic and reason.



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0 Comments to “Bill Kristol Fell On His Head”

  1. Billy has been sniffing’ something’ strange!

  2. We need another Nixon like we need another president who would subvert the Constitution and hijack the FBI to keep himself in power. But since we’ve got a majority in Congress and the Supreme Court who think it’s just fine to suppress voters and buy elections, I guess there’s not a lot of difference.

    Wait, yes there is– with Nixon, we only had to get rid of the rot at the top. Now the rot is all through the system.

  3. My friend Driftglass describes Bill Kristol as follows: A depraved fraud and blood-drunk lunatic from the top of his head to the soles of his cloven hooves. This clown is the undisputed King of Getting Everything Wrong.

  4. I remember seeing a bumper snicker during the Reign of George the II that said, “I never thought I’d miss Nixon.”

  5. San Fraser says:

    I have been watching “Nixon’s the one” on Acorn of late. I think Kristol is just jealous of the attention, afraid he would have to do more than resign and die to match it.
    Missed you, JJ Stalwart troops did a fine job, but you are irreplaceabe

  6. daChipster says:

    hahaha Bill Kristol. You are so clever pretending it’s 1968 out there, when actually all of the political analysis shows that the REPUBLICAN party, with its outlying wingnut fringe and misplaced anger, is the one mirroring the 68-72 Democrats.

    Seriously… go ahead and try to nominate another Bush. Want to see Cleveland explode? All those concealed carry guys will be on your side – UNTIL THEY ARE NOT. You’ll find your party on the wrong end of a coup.

    Your question should not be “who is 2016’s Nixon” but rather, “who is “who is the Tea Party’s McGovern?”

  7. Linda Phipps says:

    “Rioting in the streets”? Really Billy-Bob? Just the other day Alternet via Raw story published at least 11 riots by WHITE PEOPLE, mostly because you know, football.

  8. 1) Kristol is of the Chaunukah bush persuasion.
    2) Do you seriously believe he wouldn’t have someone else on the roof for him?
    3) Since China has gone Capitalist, then we should send a Socialist.

    Therefor: Bernie for POTUS 2016!!!!

  9. Who’s 2014 Nixon? Could it be Teddy Cruz who never met a plot he didn’t like, or maybe Rand Paul who likes to steal words, or maybe Carl Rove, who couldn’t believe his dirty tricks didn’t add up to a presidential steal. The Republican’t Party suffers from a surfeit of riches when it comes to (Clark Griswold quote)
    cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake licking, dirt-eating,inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking,
    brainless, d**kless, hopeless, heartless,fat-a*s, worm-headed,sacks of monkey s**t. Hallelujah, holy s**t. Where’s the Tylenol?
    Apologies to Mama.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Bloody Bill Kristol pining for RMN? Nixon of the he and Kissinger “peace with honor” hurried Viet Nam evacuation? Not all that surprising, as most Republicans forget Dubya completely, so not unexpected that they would view Nixon from a clogged memory.

    With all the chicken hawks flying around the beltway, we should be able to stuff enough birds to feed the hungry on all seven continents.

  11. Well, Golly, Bill. The Republican Party has so many to chose from, but it’s probably you.

    Meaning obsolete, corrupt, and proven absolutely wrong – exactly!

  12. I sent the quote from the University of Chicago to my Kochaholic brother who replied that is the most liberal school in the nation.
    I sure hope he stays sane long enough to pay back the money I loaned him.

  13. UmptyDump says:

    Bill Kristol needs to be cast in the role of Professor Harold Hill in “The Music Man”.

    “Trouble, oh we got trouble,
    Right here in River City!
    With a capital ‘T’
    That rhymes with ‘P’
    And that stands for Pool!”


    Read more: Music Man – Ya Got Trouble Lyrics | MetroLyrics

  14. The Silent Majority may be silent. What it isn’t is right-wing Republican.

    Neither party represents ordinary people very well because they are too busy raising campaign money from the rich and powerful. The difference is that the Repubs don’t even try–they like representing only the rich and the prejudices.

  15. So I haven’t much experience listening to or reading Billy Kristol. When I did listen he spoke like he had played football without his helmet. “That must be his concussion talking!” That he is a neocon and related to Irving Kristol, the so-called Godfather of Neo-conservatism, would cause me to turn off my hearing aid.

  16. How about the Nixon that approved busing and formed the EPA. Does anyone think that Nixon has a snowball’s chance in hell of getting out of a Republican primary?

  17. I was riding a train from Washington to New York a few years ago…early morning. Bill Kristol ended up sitting across the aisle from me. He was with someone and was discussing politics. I had very hot coffee. In my fantasy I dumped the full cup in his crotch…..then cackled like the Wicked Witch of the West. Seriously, I was tortured for 2 hours and 20 minutes trying to think of SOMETHING to do to him. Evil. Evil. Evil.

  18. daChipster says:

    Kary, you should have just argued with him. “Hey, Bill! Since we’re on the same train, let’s talk about your ‘track’ record. Iraq? WRONG! Economy? WRONG! Environment? WRONG! Immigration? WRONG! Guns? WRONG! Taxes? WRONG!”

    Then every statement he made thereafter, to you or his traveling companion: “WRONG!”
