How This Hurricane Stuff Works

August 26, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I live about 35 miles southwest of Houston proper.  It takes me about an hour to drive to downtown Houston.  The hurricane is going on the east side of Houston.  That means I live on the “clean” side of this hurricane.  Hurricanes have two sides – the clean side and the dirty side. You want to be on the clean side.

I feel really bad for the people on the Texas/Louisiana border.  They are going to get punched. However, a direct hit on Houston would be catastrophic. You’re looking at 5 million people, a ship channel, Galveston Island, and a city that simply cannot evacuate because there’s only one direction you can get away – northwest.

Houston will get some high wind and way too much rain but it more than likely won’t be catastrophic.

We had what Bubba calls a two-day-hurricane. One day to put all the lawn furniture and plants in the shed and another day to put it all back.  Those are days you gripe but secretly you’re relieved.

I’ve spent the day getting my potted plants back outside in case we get some good rain.


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