Hoping the New GOP Rulemaker is Named Ernie or Oscar

January 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I admit it.  I enjoyed it.

I just saw Anderson Cooper interview Grover Norquist.  Ole Grover, who knows his numbers up, his 15 minutes are over, and he been relegated to the children’s table, tried to look relevant by claiming that a yes vote tonight would not be “a technical violation” of his pledge.

His reasoning was that the Bush tax cuts expired last night so the Senate bill is actually a tax cut

Bless his heart, he was more twisted than a barrel of snakes.

Honey, disco is less over than Grover.

Also, if you’re on Twitter, go check #fireBoehner –  the rightwing wants to fire Boehner and replace him with Allen West.  Yes, the same Allen West who got defeated.  Remeber when crazy Louie Gohmert voted for Newt Gingrich for Speaker?  Well, they are all that crazy now.

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