Honey, They Glow in the Dark

November 18, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The House GOP —



See, this is diverse.  There’s a tall white guy, a short white guy, a skinny white guy, a chubby white guy, a bald white guy, Paul Ryan, an old white guy, another old white guy, and 5 white women.  So, there ya go. Diversity, GOP style.


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0 Comments to “Honey, They Glow in the Dark”

  1. This just proves that if God had wanted Brown people in Gov.
    He would have made them white and in the GOP. And it is about to get worse. A lot worse.!

  2. Now, JJ, if you get out your magnifying glass and squint, you can see a young, dark-haired female at the top of the photo near the center, and another of the same description at the top of the right side. OK, we’re up to 7 (unless some of them are secretaries). The rest of these “diverse” specimens are absolutely white and male and mostly GOPs. Sigh.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Who is the elderly lady in pink standing next to Mike? (front row) Their first human sacrifice, after they gut social security and medicare.

  4. The elderly woman is Virginia Foxx, one of the craziest in the US House.

  5. Some of those people are probably left-handed, too.

  6. Ooh, I think I see three more white women! Unless they’re transgender… naah.

    The Dems look like America. The GOP look like Calhoun County, Iowa. (chosen more or less at random, if you know more about Iowa demographics than I do)

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Eykis, thank you.

    Message to crazy voters in all states: if you must vote crazy, kindly confine your selections to your own state legislatures. This exporting of the crazy to Dee Cee is embarrassing.

    To all the Donnie voters who wanted to blow up Dee Cee, you already tried with Dubya and failed. Try C-4 next time, but don’t forget to practice in your own yard.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Pence isn’t a member of the house of ill reputes. His rightful( I just threw up in my mouth) place will be as a tie-breaker in the Senate and world leader funeral ambassador.

  9. At least they threw in some women to grope, or fetch coffee.

  10. Ironic soundtrack song for the photo above:

    The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades.

  11. Will this be a new feature of GOP regimes? Taking a ‘whitie’ of the whole crew when they begin?

  12. I like the thumb horns sticking out from the tops sides of Pence’s head. They sort of complete the image.

  13. Tilphousia says:

    What year is this again? 1950? And the rethugs are trying to make protesting a felony with prison and heavy fines. Now this is unconstitutional but who cares? Oh yes the protestors if convicted would lose VOTING RIGHTS! Yet one more way to disenfranchise anyone not “fit” to vote. Read that as non-whites.

  14. And you what one of the sadder aspects of that photo is: that none of those people would see anything wrong with it. What we spotted instantly would not even occur to them.

  15. Glow in the dark, I think not. Glow in the light of a burning cross is much more likely.

  16. Marcia in CO says:

    If you had the whole picture, you would see a lone black guy back in the far left corner looking like he walked in by surprise. Whoops … must be a kkklan meeting or some such thing.

  17. Rhea – my ex is from Calhoun County, Iowa. I think you pretty much nailed it.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    Getting to be a small world- from Obrien County iowa (rural Sutherland) Chris

  19. Susan Quinn Bryan says:

    Colored ink was wasted on this picture. Could just as easily been a white-and-white photo.

  20. Well that’s an embarrassing photo. Except to the snacilbupeR. Bigots don’t have the decency to be ashamed.

  21. I’ve been through this before with the same kind of bunch. they claim that other factors should also be considered for diversity: age, religion, nationality – precisely all the things that are mostly invisible in a group selfie. they really think they’ve nailed it. They will never but never understand why folks disagree with them. I recall the front cover of Time Magazine. I think it was taken at the Democratic convention that nominated Obama. If you can find it, compare it with this one and tell me which one you think is more “alive.”

  22. JAKvirginia says:

    Speaking as a “white” person, I wouldn’t hang out with most, if not all of that crowd. I gave up white bread for similar reasons. Bland, boring, not good for my digestion.

  23. e platypus onion says:

    maggie whitey wingnuts is all into homogeneity and they stink, also too still yet!

  24. e platypus onion says:

    Black hearts, white sheets.

  25. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Unholy facial recognition software, bottom row left side would be Kevin McCarthy. At his snuggly side is the lady with the hand on his shoulder the next ‘Monica’?
