Homeowner Association Fight!

October 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Right here in my county, human people got fed up with rightwing people stealing our Beto yard signs.  You knew the signs were overly disturbing to them when their local political pundit had to put on Facebook to her minions to “calm down” about all the Beto signs because Cruz was going to win anyway.

Oh yeah?

There were the regular warning signs that “if you steal this sign, I will buy another and then Beto makes $5 more.” But, if history had taught us anything, it’s that the rightwing people just cannot keep themselves from destroying things.

Somebody is a genius.



Yep, it’s painted on their front yard, you sucky sign-stealing neighbors.

They hadn’t even finished painting it before the homeowner’s association guy was being rude at them.

Speaking with McClatchy newspapers, Bennett said the president of the HOA confronted the family about the sign before she, her husband and kids had even finished painting it.

“He was very hostile,” Bennett said. “This is truly a shock, that they became so angry.”

And then the HOA threatened to remove it themselves.

Bubba makes very few demand of me, but one of them is that we never, ever live where there’s an HOA. He contends this is Texas and a person’s property is a person’s property and you can’t step on somebody’s property without their permission, much less tell them what shrubbery they can have.

So anyway, they have 30 days to appeal the decision so that takes us until after the election and they weren’t planning on keeping up much past that.

So, in highly technical legal terms, the HOA can stuff it.


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