Holy Mother of Godfather

February 26, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Matt Gaetz is a 36 year old second term congressvarmint from Florida who is determined to lower this whole Presidential term to the lowest common denominator.  He’s a slug with a Twitter account..

He sends a heads up to Michael Cohen.



And if that doesn’t work, we have Pantageli’s brother from Sicily accompanying me to your hearing.

Good Lord, Cohen is going to prison for the rest of his life. Do you really think you can intimidate a guy like Cohen with some indiscretions? And the irony that it’s coming from a Trump supporter is all glittery with silly.

So, Trump, this is your idea of draining the swamp?

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Holy Mother of Godfather”

  1. All the little birdies go tweet, tweet, tweet…

    You are on the record, tough guy!

    Ken White noted, too, on Twitter:
    “It sure seems like you’re threatening Michael Cohen that if he testifies before Congress you, or people aligned with you, will bring out embarrassing details about him. There’s a whole bunch of obstruction statutes, sir, and if you’re threatening to reveal embarrassing information to deter a witness from testifying before Congress, I think you need advice about whether you may be violating one or more of them.”


  2. “Cohen is going to prison for the rest of his life”
    I hope not. His sentence is 3 years.

  3. Well good for Matt Gaetz.
    What a time saver.
    When Trump is headed to Capitol Hill to answer some questions, Matt can send out the exact same Tweet, just subbing Donald Trump for Michael Cohen.

  4. Listening to MSNBC say he will most likely wind up facing the Ethics Committee. Trumpers just don’t be able to seem to learn.

  5. Boy! It just gets sleazier and sleazier doesn’t it!

  6. Cohen, and Manafort for that matter, are far more worried about Putin goons and polonium pellets than they are ever going to be about what Trump or Gaetz can do to them.

  7. Well.

    Maybe he (Gaetz) is that stupid…

  8. If i were a horse, I’d be afraid for my head.

  9. At the moment I believe Cohen has three to five years ahead of him. It’s Manafort who’s facing the rest of his life, bless his evil little heart.

  10. Speaker Pelosi has a message for you Matt.


    Don’t forget to shoot your cuffs and twirl your plastic crackerjacks pinkie ring to intimidate them when you sit down in front of the ethics panel Goober.

  11. Charlie Pierce posted on this same subject and one of his commenters listed the phone number of the Florida Bar Association, since this fool could be disbarred for crap like this. I think it’s hilarious. Where do all these idiots go to Law School?

  12. Barb Probably at Trump U.

  13. BarbinDC, Gaetz’ JD is from Wm and Mary in VA, a top, and very old, uni.
    These MAGAots know exactly what they are saying, their words are chosen for the Rethug ‘base’, no one else; ‘libtards’ do not count in their world, except to excoriate. You can assume he spoke on command from the Rethug Masters of the Light Ministry, on behalf of the Trump Crime Family Org.

  14. The Surly Professor says:

    OK, maybe Cohen is not going to the Big Sneezer for life. But a gal can dream, can’t she?

  15. Linda Phipps says:

    Couple of thoughts: Paul, no he didn’t study at Trump U, he was one of them perfessers.

    This: I guess now, Cohen’s wife and father in law know.

    And this: Gaetz has just impugned Cohen’s wife by challenging her character. That might be the worst no matter what she is/isi not capable of.

  16. SteveTheReturned says:

    I’m reading that every law professor in the country is accusing Gaetz of witness tampering. I hope he pays a heavy price for this scumbag behavior.

  17. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Sure, Cohen is a scumbag. But somebody pointed out that when Robert Mueller prosecuted John Gotti his chief witness was Sammy “The Bull” Gravano, an actual murderer. I guess the jury found him credible because Gotti died in prison. Crooks like Gotti and Trump tend to surround themselves with people like Gravano and Cohen.

  18. Jane & PKM says:

    Matt Gaetz, primary reason we no longer watch CNN. If that schmuck Gaetz passed the bar in Floriduh, Pam Bondi must be grading the exams.

    House Speaker Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi may not be a lawyer, but her knowledge of House rules will make Mattie feel like he is in front of a very strict judge, naked and unprepared.
