Holy Crap: Texas Diversity Edition

March 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so a guy in Sherman, Texas, has been writing and sending out the company newsletter every morning for eight years.  No complaints. Jef Mindrup was a good employee and faithfully did his job.

Until suddenly one day out of the blue, Jef is ordered by his boss to include a Bible verse in each morning newsletter.

On March 14, 2012, company co-founder Jody Goodman, a member of the board and vice president of staffing, corporate travel and diversity, no less, ordered him “to add Bible quotes to The Morning Coffee and to start doing so the next day,” Mindrup says in the complaint.

Jef felt uncomfortable doing that.  He’s a Buddhist.  You know, the people who believe that all paths to God are equally valid.  Jef responded —

“Jody, I am unable to add quotes or scriptures from the Bible as you’ve requested. I have always taken great care to avoid any quotes that would offend others as well as my own personal religious beliefs.”

He was fired the next day.  But, I am certain they did it in a real Christian-like manner.

He’s suing.

By the way, I danced over to the google to find the company and here’s the listing.  Please note the “This site may be hacked” notice.

Screen Shot 2014-03-27 at 11.02.48 AM


But, if you’d like to let them know how Christians should behave, here ya go.

In Goodman Networks defense, they claimed they fired him “pursuant to an apparently pre-planned and well-thought out reduction in force.”  Yeah, right.  Our cow just died, Goodman, so we won’t be needing your bull.

Thanks to Old Mayfly for the heads up.

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