Holy Crap: Harry Potter and the Magic Christ Killing Potents

September 03, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, a Catholic church school, where there are bells, incense, exorcists, and could easily change their name to Our Lady of Perpetual Ritual and nobody would complain, is all scared of Harry Potter.

They are more scared of Harry Potter than they are of illiteracy.

“These books present magic as both good and evil, which is not true, but in fact a clever deception,” he explained. “The curses and spells used in the books are actual curses and spells; which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the text.”

That’s pretend.  Make believe. Like Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. Like wine turning into the blood of Christ.


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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: Harry Potter and the Magic Christ Killing Potents”

  1. Yeah, I got a similar lecture about Dungeons and Dragons, especially as we “toss around names of devils and demons so carelessly.”

  2. I thought Delores Umbridge’s decree had settled this already.

  3. Do any of these spells rid the land of an orange menace? Please post if available and we can perform a solemn rite (followed by dancing in the streets).

  4. When you believe in ghosts, demons, gawds…it aint difficult to believe in magic!

  5. The parents pay tuition for this???? Dopey!!!!

  6. Well, it is Tennessee, home of the Scopes trial. Evidently their thinking hasn’t progressed in the 100 years since.

  7. These religious types function at the Dark Ages superstition level.

    I guess they’ll have to ban “The Wizard of OZ”,”Snow White”, and “The Lion, the Witch and and the Wardrobe” and Casper the Friendly Ghost next.

  8. Now see, this is what happens when you don’t allow any women in your decision-making hierarchy. The number of ex-Catholics is legion and growing. I should know.

  9. A Catholic school, where they teach indulgences can be bought or traded for a “donation” in exchange for past sins, wants to talk about spells in Harry Potter?

  10. dobleremolque says:

    The only magic spell the Catholic Church is REALLY afraid of is: “expecto molestoramus!”

  11. Kate Dungan says:

    Since the book is now forbidden, the kids will go after it like crazy. By the end of the year, most of these students will have read it.

  12. I fully expect that the kids will start a new underground club. They’ll call themselves the Nashville Deatheaters

  13. WA Skeptic says:

    I’m afraid that cat is already out of that particular bag; I’m willing to bet most of the kids in that school can already quote the entire series, chapter and verse.

    And for those that haven’t yet encountered Harry Potter and his world, this will only spur them on to getting the books asap!

    Way to go, RC, encouraging reading literacy~~

  14. There has been the occasional lunatic preacher who has sworn that HP contains actual curses and spells since the books came out. I have two questions for this numbskull: 1. These books have been available for 21 years in the US and you’re just now coming up with this? and 2. What makes you think that a pack of made-up fake Latin words are real magic, and what makes you think magic is real?

    Whatta maroon.

  15. Different fiction series have different catch phrases:

    “Live Long And Prosper”.
    “May The Force Be With You”.
    “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”.
    “I’ll Be Back”.
    “We Need A Bigger Boat”.

    I’d like to suggest for the Potterverse (and apropos this article):

    “Mischief Managed”…

  16. Someone elsewhere also mentioned the “magic” of turning bread and grape juice into the body and blood of Christ.

  17. elise from CA says:

    In addition to all of the religious phantasmagoria mentioned above that these HP-haters believe in, don’t forget GOP policy superstition, e.g. supply side “economics.” Even GOP stalwart HW Bush recognized that as fantasy, calling it “voodoo economics.”

  18. All gods can’t be true, but they can all be false.
    Get a clue, people!
