Holy Crap: A Governor. A Damn Governor.

September 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you know what I am sick of?  I am sick of Republicans talking about blood.

The newly elected Governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin, who danced to victory on the back of Kim Davis, spoke to the Value Voters Summit and declared that they value a whole lot of bloodshed.

Give it a listen.

Holy crap.


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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: A Governor. A Damn Governor.”

  1. I think the “deplorable” description is quite adequate for this circumstance.

  2. For this POS to even intimate that violence and murder will be the result of an election should be punished by being sued by every decent person in the USA.

    Shame on him.

  3. Disappointing. I thought I recollected that he got impeached back in the spring. I guess that recollection is mere wishful thinking for body politic of Kentucky.

  4. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Wait….is he seriously suggesting his children be killed if Hillary wins? Though, personally, I think anyone with 9 children may be several bricks shy of a load, I’d say his comments show he DEFINITELY falls into that category. I used to live in Kentucky, and I don’t remember anyone in politics being this nuts 40 years ago.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Matt served himself, er the country, as a Captain in the US Army from 1989 to 2003. Seems odd this super ‘Patriot’ didn’t re-enlist to participate in Dubya’s war of choice.

  6. 1smartcanerican says:

    He is far beyond deplorable! How do these people get elected anyway? Does no one notice their stupidity and hate?

  7. Oh yeah you traitor. Let’s have another civil war here. Can these Snacilbupers get anymore insane?

  8. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Stupid and hating people do notice their stupidity and hate, and vote for them in consequence.

    Like to like, and all that. I don’t have a really good answer to how we can convince the haters to become non-haters (if not lovers), because clearly the churches they go to preach hate, and they don’t die off–they breed and teach their children to hate.

  9. Wow. I too wondered at his suggestion of sacrificing his children. For what? Civil war? Sounds like it. Which is interesting, since as PKM pointed out, he evidently wasn’t up for it himself. Now that Donnie’s made bigotry, racism, and hate the new normal (with ample help from the media) for so many folks, they’re coming out of the woodwork. As repugnant as it is to witness, I still say better out than in. Roaches can’t be squashed in the woodwork. Even if we can only squash ’em at the voting booth.

  10. 1smartamerican, stupidity needs to be better defined for situations like this, IMO. EG. a neighbor lady is right now cleaning out a house she and her husband bought for their daughter who moved out after a year. These people are quite well-to-do likely in the millionaire class and possess higher than average IQs. Today she tells me she is for trump and starts in on the usual litany these supporters recite. I decided to say ‘good day’ knowing that there is no discussion with people who have their minds made up for self-serving reasons and/or don’t want it confused with any facts.
    Stupid: where lack of knowledge is maintained after being offered that knowledge and refusing. IQ is basically irrelevant.

  11. Gives the phrase “sore losers” whole new levels.

  12. I for one will gladly wade through pools of their blood to keep them from being in charge. I’ve got hip waders.

  13. John Jackson says:

    Sure he’s not from Tejas?

  14. Crossing Kentucky off my list despite my total love of horses. Me and my wallet will either stay home or go someplace else.

  15. van59: For awhile now I’ve been using the term willful ignorance for folks like that. When I read your post and was reminded of that, I thought, I’ll Google it. Was surprised to find out that it’s actually a legal term. And it applies! I probably heard it on L A Law.

  16. Yeah, and Jefferson was going to close the churches, burn the Bibles and kill off all the Christians. Hate mongering and bigotry have a long history, including the Pilgrims who expelled anybody who had an original thought.

    Any speaker who does those pauses like a TV preacher gets my back up. A few have good things to say, but usually not.

  17. The bombardment of Fort Sumter will begin before dawn!

  18. van59 and P.P.: I don’t have the exact quote, but Molly Ivins said something like “You can’t fault someone for being stupid, but ignorance is a choice.”

    Anybody got the official version?

  19. Can’t think of anything funny. Can only think of Manson Family. Deplorables

  20. Too many Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin wannabees. Didn’t these crazy whack jobs used to belong to fringe parties? This is the result the snacilbupeR get for courting teabaggers, birthers, racists, etc. The snacilbupeR party now IS teabaggers, birthers, racists, etc.

    “As you sow, so shall year reap.” How’s that for bible, you christianists! Bwahahaha!

  21. JAKvirginia says:

    maggie: I’m with you. I was born and lived in FL but now? Never again will I go. Sorry Disney, I guess I’ll just save up and visit you in Anaheim. One of our most powerful freedoms is our wallets. There are other states that will treat me and their citizens, all of them, better. I don’t have to subsidize any state’s backward ways with my money. And I won’t.

  22. Bless his little pointed head………..

  23. Van59–how true. When I was young I believed that opinions were based on intelligence–IOW, smart person = smart opinion.

    Soon I learned that opinions are based on experience (and experience includes family/society opinions, etc.) IOW, a person raised as a bigot will be a bigot and will use his/her smarts to justify that opinion.

    The good news is that intelligent people are more open to new information and testing old theories.

  24. Aggieland Liz says:

    @Debbo: my dear, I am counting on it! As they sow, so also shall they reap. What a bitter harvest it will be. I hope also for a supersize helping of crow!!

  25. No more Derbys for me. I agree that Kentucky is crossed my list of go to places. The RWNJs seem to breed in excess. Too bad they are ignorant of the fact that our world is vastly overpopulated and cannot sustain 7 billion humans. What does the moron think about des ease and famine both of which are very very real.

  26. Is it any wonder that the Rethugs don’t believe in diplomacy.
    Intellectual discourse and reasoned disagreement are beyond their ken.

  27. Whenever I say to my dear wife (whowas boran and raised in Austin), “Let me read you this from Juanita Jean,” she asks what the RWNJs from Texas did this time. Now it is my turn to hang my head as I am from Louisville.

    In defense of my hometown, it is just as blue as Austin, with good local food, local music, local beer and local bourbon. Unfortunately, much of the rest of the state is as conservative as anyplace in the South.

  28. One heapin’ helpin’ of Kentucky Fried Crazy.

  29. I noticed Blevins’ total lack of an accent, and looked him up. He was born in Denver and grew up in New Hampshire. After he got rich, he moved to Louisville in 1999. I guess Kentuckians can’t recognize a Carpetbagger when they see one.

  30. My father put this best. They believe in the divine right of kings. It is their God given right to lead. Of course they don’t have the first darn clue of what to do when they get to lead because they spend most of their time trying to figure out any way they can to get to lead. Change election laws? Check. Gerrymander districts? Check. Scare the public? Check. Lie at every turn? Check. They manage to keep it all check when it’s another white guy running against them, but put up one of the “others” and they go absolutely nuts.

  31. Hmmm… looked up Bevin and something in his timeline isn’t right. He and the wife marry in 1996 — they had 6 children. In 2003 his oldest daughter was killed in a car accident. She was 17.

    Do the math: 1996 to 2003 is 7 years. The Bevins have 6 children in 7 years. The daughter who was killed was born in 1985. So either she was adopted — but his bio stresses that they had 6 biological children, or she was born to either Bevin or his wife long before they were married. Bevin was in college in 1985 (graduated 1989). I assume his wife was in college too.

    Any Kentuckians out there know the skinny on this?
