Trump in North Carolina

September 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Barry Goldwater had a campaign slogan, “In your heart, you know he’s right.”

Yesterday in Asheville, North Carolina  …



Thanks to Hilary for the great picture!


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0 Comments to “Trump in North Carolina”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Donnie is indeed “nuts.” Samantha Bee does Donnie ‘justice.’

    *** warning *** The following link may be inappropriate for Mama, work and children under 12.

    Placing a cherry on top of a bad week for Donnie, Keith Olbermann is back.

    Oh, and Hilz, about that “half” of Donnie’s supporters belonging in the “basket of deplorable”? With the elected snacilbupeR supporting Donnie that figure should be 100%.

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    Barry Goldwater had a campaign slogan, “In you’re heart, you now [KNOW] he’s right.”
    So sorry to be the spelling cop … 🙁

  3. Fred Farklestone says:

    The best takedown of Trump, the Republican party and it’s outhouse full of spent “Deplorables,” ever!

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    Thanks for the Keith Olbermann link … gonna share this on Facebook!!

  5. Right on!!!!!

  6. Marcia in CO, it’s also “In YOUR heart….” I accept the title of Spelling Cop and wear it proudly.

    Samantha Bee and Keith Olbermann links both well worth passing on. Good work, and keep showing us what journalists are supposed to be doing.

    “In your guts you know he’s nuts” was used in 1964 to parody Goldwater’s “In your heart you know he’s right,” along with “Yes, extreme right,” and (with a nuclear explosion image) “In your heart you know he might.” And so would Trump: “If we got nuclear weapons, why can’t we use them?”

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, speaking of matters nukular, why would our Congress varmints spend in excess of another $trillion ‘upgrading’ nukular weapons, when there is no accurate estimate of the cost or cogent means to dispose of the old stuff?

    Contrary to what Donnie ‘thinks,’ launching said weapons into another country is not a safe means of disposal.

  8. Deja vu, y’all: Had “In your heart you know he’s nuts” sticker pasted across the trunk of my ’53 Buick! Good times . . .

  9. Samantha Bee in that clip is Soledad O’Brien with nasty, big, pointy teeth, as Tim the enchanter would say.

  10. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Sorry for all the typos in that, guys – babysitting grandson and he’s distracting!

  11. Baby sitting grandson? Must be heaven!

  12. “The Republican Party has actually nominated for president an irresponsible, unrealistic, naive, petulant, childish, vindictive, prejudiced, bigoted, racist, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, fascistic, authoritarian, insensitive, erratic, disturbed, irrational, inhuman individual named Donald John Trump.”

    I’ve missed Olberman and how he went after that slimy little worm, GWB. Thanks for the links PKM. They’re very good.

  13. BTW, I have a mad, lustful crush on Samantha Bee. What a woman!

    Samantha Bee for President 2024!

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    Not to knock Samantha Bee and Keith O., but they are representative of a new (new to this day and age) class of truth seekers who have dropped the veil of political correctness and have chosen to see things as they are and as presented. No cheap armchair psychology or explaining away, just straight-forward observations — no glossing over, no rationalizations, just a simple “this is what the man said and what he does”. I hope this is the vanguard of a better journalism than we have endured thus far. God knows we need it.

  15. PKM, thank you for the Keith Olbermann link especially. What a succinct indictment not only of Deplorable Donald, but the Rethuglican responsibility for nominating such a grossly inadequate and treacherous candidate.

  16. Marcia in CO says:

    Rhea … OMG … not sure how I totally overlooked the “you’re” because I know that is not correct! Thanks for you catching it!! 🙂

  17. I’ve really missed Keith the past few years. Apparently he’s kind of a jerk in real life, but watching his show helped get me through the Bush years. That and Jon Stewart……

    Glad to hear your voice, Keith, wish you were back on MSNBC though.

  18. I remember when I discovered Olbermann during the first Obama campaign; what a revelation! I treasured his program and I think it made a big difference to Obama’s victory. Maybe that’s why the Powers That Be dumped him later. They have gone pretty far to the right.

  19. Fifty percent of Trump followers don’t have hearts and 100% don’t have brains.

  20. A vote for Drumpf is a vote of low IQ bigots over any kind of reason.
