Holy Cow

March 01, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you’re not watching MSNBC, the New York Times has a front page story for tomorrow that will knock your socks off.

Plus, at the same time, the Washington Post is reporting that Jeff Sessions lied during his hearing about contacts he had with Russia.

You know how the Trumpies call us snowflakes?  Well, a blizzard is coming, fellas.


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0 Comments to “Holy Cow”

  1. It’s building fast. The feces is going to hit the oscillator! Hang on folks. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. For the snacilbupeR. Bwahahahahahaha!

    (I hate those guys.)

  2. eyesoars says:

    I’ve been keeping an eye on talkingpointsmemo; they are digging into Trump’s personal lawyer, who has much-deeper-than-expected Ukrainian connections, through immediate family members, and much more history with Trump than most of the other known Russia players, back through the times when Trump was in desperate need of capital.

    But Jeff Sessions takes the cake here. Our friggin’ AG? Is he trying to one-up John Mitchell’s record?

    This story just keeps getting legs; if it had any more, it’d be a millipede.

  3. Stories like this is the reason why Trump keeps trying to spread the lie that the news media is all about fake news. I hope there will be more in depth stories like this about Trump and his cohorts. I would like to know who else in the republican congress is a traitor besides Sessions. Who has the authority to investigate and arrest these people if the DOJ has a corrupt attorney general and a republican congress who are criminals themselves and refuse to investigate.

  4. I have a feeling that CJ’s mysterious tax files are going to be subpoenaed.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    It’s beginning to look alot like Christmas . . .

  6. WA Skeptic says:

    What do you want to bet that sneering little POS will never get anything more than a slap on the wrist and a “Good Job, Brownie” from DJT.

    I cannot believe the depth of corruption and cynicism demonstrated by this administration.

  7. slipstream says:

    When Mr. Sessions was a newbie Senator, he voted to impeach President Clinton for perjury.

    What goes round comes round . . .

  8. Yup, you and I know all this stuff, but the isolated folks out in the countryside don’t. That is where the pitchforks and torches will come from when everything hits the fan, and I don’t doubt that it will. Gotta remember. Country folks are the ones most likely to keep long guns. Yes, that sounds scary cuz it is but there is time to figure out how to handle when and how things hit the proverbial fan.

  9. gabberflasted says:

    Stonekettle has an excellent treatise on what we must do. Jim is on point, as he is customarily.

  10. Chloe Bear says:

    ON MORNING JOE this a.m., House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy: “I could see in his role as senator, yes, meeting with different ambassadors. I just think he needs to clarify what these meetings were and when did they happen,” McCarthy said. “I think [for] the trust of the American people, you recuse yourself.”

  11. Marcia in CO says:

    “I think [for] the trust of the American people, you recuse yourself.”
    Who is there to “trust” in this most corrupt administration? Who? The whole damned lot of them need to be shown the door … let them all trail out, in single file, behind that fat assed TrumpleThinSkin.
    And … good riddance to the lot of them!!!

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Wasn’t Sessions the first wingnut Senator to get on board Drumpf’s campaign?

    How do these people say they have no knowledge of any Drumpf campaign staff meeting with Russians when Gen Flynn lied about his contacts and was fired? Can’t these liars ever tell the truth?

  13. maryelle says:

    Sessions didn’t just mislead in his answer to Congress, both oral and written, he denied he had any contact with Russians, under oath. That’s perjury. That’s jail time, but the Rethugs will let him squirm out of it. He has to go.

  14. Polllytiques says:

    I turned the TV on for background noise this morning. It sure woke me up a bit..I am looking at that little stinking goober on MSNBC…for the umptenth time. He was practically laughing out loud as he was getting into his limo. He didn’t act a bit worried…Now Cruz is on actually telling what I am afraid is the absolute truth for a change…It’s just Political Theater..These bits aren’t the only ones I have seen his smirking. Makes my hands itch.
    I had forgotten how creepy Cruz is..Gaaaa I have to turn that thing off.

  15. dbtexas says:

    Maggie: “Yup, you and I know all this stuff, but the isolated folks out in the countryside don’t. That is where the pitchforks and torches will come from when everything hits the fan, and I don’t doubt that it will.” Maggie, methinks you give far too much credibility to our “countryside” neighbors – not noted for critical analysis skills, included the ability to admit they were wrong. I don’t mean to be smug here, just speaking from experience. This will be glossed over, since the Republicans are in charge.

  16. Lying under oath used to be an impeachable offense. That is what sessions said in 1998. or was it 1999.

  17. Old Fart says:

    Poor 45.
    He must feel like the world’s out to get him (and his cronies)…

    Of course it doesn’t help that the world really *is* trying to get him.

    While Putin may not get his useful idiot, the US gets laughed at and ends up with Pence…

  18. treehugger says:

    Trump’s base doesn’t give a hoot about the Russians. The only thing that will get them stirred up is when they discover their medical coverage is decimated, and the coal jobs they were counting on to pay the bills are nowhere to be found, their drinking water is foul and their representatives shrug and say, “Oh well…”, air pollution gives them increased respiratory ailments they can’t get help for because their medical coverage is decimated, and climate change generates floods/storms/drought that takes out their homes and ability to grow food, and their representatives shrug and say, “Too bad; all the aid money is going to the military and the wall.” If only the rest of us didn’t have to suffer along with them.

  19. Sandridge says:

    “glf says: I would like to know who else in the republican congress is a traitor besides Sessions.”
    How about ALL of the stinking, slimy, treasonous Rmofos?

  20. dbtexas, I came away with that conclusion this AM after reading Jim Wright’s Stonekettle take on things. I do not for a minute doubt that there could be some sort of Bundy-type reaction out somewhere when the fan and feces connect.

  21. Question: In case Sessions does resign, who is waiting int he wings? Are they any better or worse?

  22. two crows says:

    “According to a former senior American official, he met with the Russian ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak, twice in the past year. The details of the meetings were not clear, but the contact appeared to contradict testimony Mr. Sessions provided Congress during his confirmation hearing in January when he said he ‘did not have communications with the Russians.’”

    Thus answering a question that had not been asked.
    Senator Franken asked him about procedure: “If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government, what would you do?” Never once did Franken ask, “Did you have contact with the Russian government?”

    These people can’t help themselves, they just keep on stepping in dog s**t. Sorry Momma.

  23. Jane & PKM says:

    “Well, a blizzard is coming, fellas.”

    When snacilbupeR criminal Darrell Issa is first to jump off the poop deck, it’s like a rolling avalanche loaded with icebergs. Or, those ornate Russian eggs, one inside ….

  24. Old Quaker (Colorado) says:

    That bigotted, lying little corn pone jerk needs to be tossed in jail just like John Mitchell in days of yore. Meese kept his ass out of jail; will Sessions get away with his felonys?

    I love elephants. They are very smart and extremely interesting. It is a shame the they are the symbol of a bunch of crooked, lying so-called “public servants”. Sad.

  25. Old Quaker (Colorado) says:

    Issa! The irony of the biggest crook in Congress throwing the first stone is breath-taking. How Issa has stayed out of jail is beyond me.

  26. Chloe Bear says:

    The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday accused FBI Director James Comey of withholding crucial information about its probe into Russian interference in the election.

    “I would say at this point we know less than a fraction of what the FBI knows,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told reporters after a briefing with Comey.

    “I appreciate we had a long briefing and testimony from the director today, but in order for us to do our investigation in a thorough and credible way, we’re gonna need the FBI to fully cooperate, to be willing to tell us the length and breadth of any counterintelligence investigations they are conducting,” Schiff said. “At this point, the director was not willing to do that.”

    The briefing came as Attorney General Jeff Sessions is facing calls to recuse himself from an investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia after it was revealed that Sessions met twice with the Russia ambassador last year, and didn’t tell senators about it during his confirmation hearing.

    Schiff indicated that Comey and the Justice Department should be more cooperative and forthcoming at their next meeting “because we’re gonna need that information.”

    “And we’re better off getting that through the voluntary cooperation of the FBI than having to contemplate whether we need to subpoena the FBI,” he said.

  27. e platypus onion says:

    Sessions joined the Drumpf campaign in February 2016 so he lied about not being an advocate whe he finally admitted he did talk on at least 2 occasions with Russians.

  28. Aggieland Liz says:

    @Quaker: you answered it m’dear, Mr Issa squeals n deals! And not everybody from the countryside is an abject, post factual moron, although many of us DO have long guns -and can shoot straight, although my .22 pulls up and to the left! What is utterly amazing to me is how not one of the Republicans seems to have learned a damned thing from Richard M Nixon’s felonious flame out. Not ONE!

  29. Fran Seyer says:

    Pack ’em up and move him out, the old white bigot.

  30. e platypus onion says:

    Aggieland Liz- they did learn one lesson from Nixon and that is if they get rid of rules an regulations it is much harder to prove crimes were committed.

  31. Sandridge says:

    Not only the Sessions pot is starting to simmer.

    The Spawn of DJT, Donnei Junior, allegedly picked up a cool $50,000 pocket money just three weeks before the election last year to go to Gay Paree and schmooze around with a bunch of Russki sympathizers and mob figures.
    Pretty good pay and per diem for a couple days “networking” in luxury.
    Can’t say much about ‘breeding and good genes’ (ha) in the Trumpov lineage, but the grifter gene is doubly dominant for sure.

    Meanwhile, the Reypocrites make like cockroaches and head for any crack in the wall.

    Song for the day: Dire Straights’ “Money for Nothing”:

    ‘Money for nothing and chicks for free, grab a pussee,
    Lyin’ Ryan and Curdle McTurdle banging on the bongos like a chimpanzee,
    Big Daddy screamin’ for more TV, money for nothing, and kneel for me KC,
    That big damn Queenie got his own jet airplane, he’s got a helicopter, he’s a Billionaire’…

  32. Old Quaker (Colorado) says:

    I suspect the Trump family conflicts of interest will be the thing that sinks them. It’s hard to believe they can keep this going.

    Picking off cabinet secretaries is kinda fun. Perry is a good guess to screw up.

    Wish we could get rid of Pruitt before we all end up in “Flint”. I have hope cor the MD now heading the VA. He’s pragmatic, not an idiot with ax to grind.

  33. Just participated in a telephone town hall this evening with my Congressman, a former Ambassador who knows the State Department well and grieves for the way it is now. Great call ins! the Congressman was terrific. I think I would even invite him to my house for barbecue providing he liked molasses based sauce. As for Sessions and his damn amnesia, this is a guy who prided himself no end on his ability to recall and made no bones about it. He can even remember things from 20 years ago, color of socks included. This crap answer he gave Franken during the hearing was just that! He deliberately avoided the real question. As for Senators et al. dealing commonly with ambassadors, you need a snow shovel for that one! Can’t wait until those two committees get copies of what the FBI and friends have discovered. Heads will explode!

  34. JAKvirginia says:

    Y’know what gets me about all of this? It wasn’t necessary. Sessions was asked if he had any contact with Russians. He said none. But he did. And the two times that have been revealed were inconsequential, run-of-the-mill, government meet and greets that happen all the time. He met the Russian ambassador, chatted a few minutes, done. What was the big deal, Mr. Sessions?

    Then he lied about it. Now the question must arise — Why? As I’ve learned, if they lie about the little things they’ll lie about the big ones. I expect (foolishly, maybe) for my government representatives to be forthcoming. And when they aren’t, suspicion takes over. This man is in the process of digging his own grave.

  35. We should have had a clue when Sessions was asked if he had any contact with Russian operatives prior to the election and he answered “Nyet”.

  36. Rubymay says:

    Ditto all of the above, but especially JAKvirginia. If there’s nothing to hide, why did Sessions lie? Why do they all keep up the pretense? I suspect this pile of “stuff” (I use this term in respect for Mama) is just going to get wider and deeper. And, oh how fervently I hope so!

  37. L'Angelomisterioso says:

    @Old Quaker (Colorado)#24-Issa stays out of jail 1. because the republics take care of their own, witness Tom the ex- exterminator. and 2. they have irony deficiency anemia. they don’t recognize irony, and wouldn’t call it on their own if they did it’s too close to hypocrisy.

  38. L'Angelomisterioso says:

    @e platypus onion#30- good call. The way to deal with illegalities is to make them legal. I’m not sure this is confined to snacilbupers, I suspect all politicians know this, and practice it whenever they can. Thanks, I needed to ask Old Quaker what part of the square state he was from. I’m a Colorado native, but the town where I was born is so remote that most greenies don’t know it.
