Holding Science on the Floor and Beating It With a Stick

June 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Welcome to Texas, where “Despite Scientific Evidence” has become our state motto.

The Texas Railroad Commission is unconvinced that underground injections of fracking wastewater is triggering earthquakes in the state, despite a study by scientists from the US Geological Survey, Southern Methodist University and the University of Texas.

The Texas Railroad Commission has diddle squat to do with railroads.  They regulate oil and gas in Texas.  It is referred to by most as The Greasy and Sleazy Commission.

Craig Pearson, the Railroad Commission’s staff seismologist, says he’s not convinced that fracking is causing earthquakes and the relationship between where fracking occurs and where earthquake occur is just one of those mysteries of life things.

“While we remain concerned about seismic activity in the state, we still haven’t had a hearing where we’ve had a definite case made that a specific operator is associated with any specific earthquake activity.”

Translation:  This is Texas, fer gawd’s sake.  What’s a few little earthquakes when stockholders need more money?

Hey, no finger pointing – it’s probably not much better in your state.

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